Why Students In Pakistan / India Must Priortize Entrepreneurship Over 9-5 Job?

Sometimes I feel so blessed to be in a position to not worry about a 9-5 job unlike the major percentage of the current students that are going through a trauma of Joblessness particularly in the third world states.

Being a fellow Pakistani, I firmly believe that our abilities are undertaken by the employers, no matter what profession you choose to be a part of.

 Students In Pakistan / India Must Priortize Entrepreneurship Over 9-5 Job?

I feel stressed seeing graduated students, with top notch grade sheets laying back unattended from the industry. It's pretty much the same in Subcontinent and in the major third world states.

Today was special. Today, I realized we need to talk more about what our elders haven't been able to portray to us. What our schooling has never taught us. This brings me to write this special motivational post that addresses specially the Indo-Pak students that are close to graduation or will be going through the phase in the future.

Brothers and Sisters, I've been reading your emails while I was off for a month vacation and your messages shout out loud the urge to find an alternative way to make a living.

You're blessed to even find Blogging in what ever phase you're. And it's your responsibility to spread the word too, to your fellow mates.

We have less Jobs...And we need to find a way around. Let's accept it and plan are way forward.

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Not to demoralize any of the aspiring students out there, as the world is full of opportunities for the ones who work hard and are serious and clear about their aims and objectives that they need to achieve in their lives.

Though we generally know what our countries are going through and how small scale our Industries are to coop with the students graduating every single year.

There is just no ratio what so ever and in the next 5 years, considering we'll still have the retarded self centric leaders as of now, trust me there won't be many soft cushions around for the students.

Such a scenario brings me to write these few words for my fellow brothers and sisters that wish to not to go after a usual 9-5 under paid Jobs that doesn't promise to full fill the dreams you had as a child.

Understanding how wrong we are programed

In subcontinent, imagine how early in your life you start hearing from your elders as to what you wish to become in the future. You're often brainstormed to be an engineer, doctor and now days you tend to get more artistic professions.

They are great. BUT this entire career thing needs to be changed for the young kid whos been programed all these years to 'work for 9-5 for somebody else to make their dreams become a reality'. And NOT yours.

 How often we hear our parents telling us to be an entrepreneur? A self made person who constructs his life from ground up. Who might work tirelessly while others party, to live a life that many just simply dream of.

Thing Logically

No profession beats entrepreneurship. Being a boss of your own, working tirelessly on your passion, and living the most lucrative life that you constructed as to how you wanted it to be.

That is life, that is freedom and that is what we need to bring our goals in coherence with.

Currently, the highest paid jobs are in medical industry where surgeons, general practice physicians, psychiatrist etc are taking home the heaviest pay checks. Though students with professional degrees
are able to bag to these lists with over 87% students finding them selves in debt once they leave the medical colleges.

In the third world countries, you can't even expect the best surgeons to achieve half these incomes as we generally experience.

It's just not the norm of this 'time-zone'; if you've watched the Hollywood movie 'In time' you could relate.

Entrepreneurship has no boundaries

Just like the adventurous mind of a kid, with no fears what so ever to achieve his/her goals, entrepreneurs a thirsty to experience their dreams become a reality.

With you reading this post, there is a hidden entrepreneur with in you that you need to explore if you haven't already. Find your passion and keep looking for it until you know it's that thing you can continue for the rest of your life.

It's not just about being a Blogger, blogging is just a minor section of the bigger agenda, it's about creating your own world and not being a slave of somebody's elses.

What Options Do You Have?

Its a world of opportunities for the hardworking fellows. If you're willing to put consistent effort in no matter what entrepreneurial journey you choose for your self, you'll eventually get the reward you actually deserve, which would never be possible if you get your self in line with the custom job life style.

If you're a software developer....

If you're a good software developer with the true passion it needs to excel, you can start small by creating your own products and apps. Sell them online on the major marketplaces. Keep building upon the initial effort and learn from other's mistakes.

Save your time as much as you can by researching as much as you can along the way.

If you're an artist...

Artists are love.  Keep producing the best content of your life and share inspirational stuff that reaches to the masses. Try to bring out some message in your art and the world would embrace it like anything.

Learn how to market your self. Apple Inc is the perfect example.

If you're a technical writer...

You're blessed. Choose a perfect niche that you're inspired to write about and collect knowledge for, and setup a blog. Reach the masses and live to inspire.

If you're an entertainer...

Everybody loves you already. Cash your talent online and become huge. YouTube is the perfect platform for you to shine. Try to create short videos of 2-3 minutes and entertain the world. It won't be long before you'll gain the attention.

Why I would urge you to have a career shift towards Online Entrepreneurship?

It's simple maths.

You would have spent a decade by now on the educational system that doesn't teaches to be skillful, But focuses more on the grade/marks race. What good would your degree do even if it has a sparkling 4GPA on it, without you becoming skillful along the way?

May be you might be able to tap a job that you believe was the best around? But how far can you go with that Job working for the rest of your life for them?

The answers to these questions are thought provoking and makes one realize how much more success they could achieve with few years of hard work in building your career online.

Entrepreneurship doesn't come in easy by any mean, though with the same amount of hard work involved (specially into something that you would be passionate about), would be million times more fruitful to you in long run.

Entrepreneurship in terms of Pure Blogging

Blogging is pure love. You get a chance to build your own empire, people follow what you write and in return, you can monetize the brand value and earn more than just a living.

I know at this point, if you aren't into it, it would be like all alien to you. You might even be scratching your head, as you never believed that someone could even make a living online.

Well, people are doing it and blogging is just one way to achieve your goals.

Pure blogging is basically, you choose a niche for your blog, where you would later publish posts/articles using any of the popular content management systems available.

You can read more about how to start a blog and earn a living online.

Generally, blogging is a very effective technique that popular brands use to drive search traffic to their brand websites from search engines.

For example, you setup a product that you plan to sell online. Let's see you design a software in web design Industry.

Now you wish to sell it as much as you can. But how? How would you drive enough eye balls towards your website? That's the most obvious question one would ask.

Well, you can set an advertising budget for your self and promote your product on social media e.g Facebook Ads or choose on of those CPC campaigns by Google Adwords. There are tons of ways to advertise stuff online.

Though, if you're tight on your pocket, there is a great way around for you and is certainly quite effective,. We often see major brands now days using a blog to promote their products.

Blogging is too powerful and is certainly a great head start for you to become an online entrepreneur..

How much could you earn blogging?

There are certainly no limits as to how much you can earn. This may sound fantasy, though it's as crystal clear as that.

It's simple.

The more effort you put into your blog, drive more traffic to it, the more authority you have and more opportunities you would be having to monetize your brand name. There are bloggers out there who are bagging a whooping six-figures dollars per month!

Yes, which means, earning more than 100,000$ per month. If you're from subcontinent, I'm sure you'd automatically start converting that into Rupees.

And the best part is, such a valuable brand can be made under few years, and faster than how you can achieve that mark in offline world.

Your success in blogging is directly proportional to the thirst you have to be successful online. If you're one of those guys who would be like "Lets give it a try. Hope I succeed...", then  there are a lot of chances that you'd fail!

Yes, fail! You might find your self giving up in less than 6 months.

To get to another side of the bridge, you would need to develop an attitude where you would say,

 "I must and will succeed InshaAllah"..

What are you waiting for?

I hope this post gives you some motivation and a direction that could help you be the next big thing online.

What are you waiting for? Jump right into this quick guide where I share my blogging journey and how exactly you can start your blog and earn from it.

Also, later you can check out some of the tools and resources that I personally use that help me run my blogs.

Do let me know in the comments below as to where you're standing at the moment. Do you own a blog? Are you new to this online stuff? Did you find this post helpful?

I would love to see your views in the comment section below.

Take care.

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