Stylish Responsive Social Follow Buttons For Blogger

Stylish responsive social follow buttons for blogger

As socializing is very important for popularity of a blog therefore social buttons of different styles are used on blogs. Similarly not only sharing but fan pages are also very important for seo as it appears in search results, for this purpose follow buttons are also added in blogs to get more followers. The main reason of adding follow buttons of different social networks it relating them to blog. Some bloggers and webmaster also add pop-up boxes to their blogs so when blog is visited pop-up box opens and get followers. But try to avoid adding pop-up boxes as it makes your blog slow and also creates problem for visitors.
I have shared many types of social sharing buttons which are so popular and stylish but this time I am sharing follow buttons with you to let visitors follow your blog on social networks and stay in touch with your blog. Some features of these follow buttons are that they are free of cost, stylish, responsive, spinning and of wordpress style. You can see a screenshot below. This widget works on the bases of css and its very easy to add this widget to your blog and it doesn't need any registration. To add this widget to your blog follow some simple steps mentioned below:

Stylish responsive social follow buttons for blogger

  • Go to Blogger Dashboard.
  • Select Layout and click on add a gadget.
  • A pop-up window will open scroll it down to Html/javascript.
  • Click Html/javascript and paste the below code into it:
  • Replace,,, and with links of your own social fan pages.
  • Save the gadget and you are done.

You can customize this widget will also such as remove icon of a social network or anything else because very few bloggers have linkdin fan page so may be you want to remove it. You can customize following things in this widget:
  • First of all you can remove icon of a social network which you don't want to show for example you want to remove linkdin icon then remove below code:
<a href="" target='_blank' rel="nofollow">
<img border="0" src="" /></a>

  • The background color is white and its code is #FFFFFF to change background color replace it with code of your own choice, to get code of color read this.
  • The border of this widget is a light color to change it replace #dcdcdc with code of your own color, you can also increase border width by change 1px to 2px, 3px, 4px..... moreover you can also change border from solid to dotted, dashed, rough, double etc by making changes in border:1px solid #dcdcdc.
  • You can also increase or decrease space between icons by increasing or decreasing padding number in padding:10px.
With the above points customization ends, you can't further customize it.

I hope you like this post. Share your experience with me by leaving a comment below. If you have any problem regarding this post ask me.

Search Tags: social, social sharing, social buttons, follow buttons, follow social buttons, free follow buttons for blog, Stylish responsive social follow buttons for blogger, 101Helper blogger gadgets.

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