Hello everyone As you know it the Time of Technology, every one is using new and latest technology. Just like Computers, androids, led's and many more, these technologies helps us to interface in the modern world. Without these technologies we are nothing in a way. When we are talking about computers, hopefully computer is known to everyone. When we start the computer the first thing we see is our Desktop.

What is Desktop
Desktop is a first look of computers when computer starts. Every document of our need we can see on desktop, just like My Computer, My Documents, Internet Explorer, Recycle bin etc. These folders are called Desktop icons. Desktop plays a vital role in computers, without Desktop we are unable to locate the data of our required need.
When we talk about pc Desktop lock or Computer Desktop lock it does not means that we are actually locking the desktop, it is just a simple "Computer Screen Lock". Or in other words to Lock the Computer. To do this we don�t need any computer lock Software or any other Experience. We just need some basic knowledge of computer. We can lock desktop background in windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1 and others.
Desktop Lock Express
For Desktop lock we have to lock the icons on desktop, and the Screen. We can simply right click and click on "Show desktop icon" and all the icons on the desktop will be hidden. Now the question is HOW TO LOCK YOUR SCREEN?? In Order to lock the Screen, follow the Steps below and have fun.
Desktop lock is a FUN
Through this trick you can make fool your friends, cousins and others. It is just for fun ;)
How to lock desktop icons on windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1
Following Steps Are:
Step1: press "Print screen" button to take a picture of the desktop, button is closer to f12. Print screen button takes a picture if your screen.
Step2: paste that picture in MsPaint and save it as Jpeg.format.
Step3: hide desktop icons through right click and click on "show desktop icons".
Step4: right click on task bar and click "Lock the taskbar".
Step5: minimize your taskbar.
Step6: set that picture as your desktops wallpaper which we taken first.
step7: Go to "Control Panel", click on "Accessibility Option" then select keyboard and check on "Use filter keys".
Note: By using filter keys your Keyboard will not work, you can use Keyboard again by pressing "right shift button" for eight seconds.
Your desktop is locked, Enjoy!!
In case of any Problem you can share with us�