At this time every blogger user want to know How to remove Blogger Navigation Bar from their blog. So no need to worry because this navigation bar can be removed using some changes in your CSS code. If you are using the default blogger templates then you noticed that a horizontal bar appearing at the top of your blog. This navigation bar helps to sign in into your account, publish new posts and customize your website directly with the help of this bar.
Remove Blogger Navigation Bar
There are two ways to remove Blogger navigation bar from your blog
1. Help of Layout
You can remove blogger navigation bar with follow below steps:
2.Look for the Navbar text at the right side then click on the edit link.
3.Now a pop up window will be opened when you click on Edit link. Now go to scroll down and select off then save.
Demo: How to Remove Blogger Navigation Bar?
2. Change in Template
You can also remove this navigation bar with the help of add some CSS code in your template. Below we give you easy steps for remove navigation bar.
- Login your Blogger account
- Go to Template and click to edit HTML
- Now search ]]></b:skin> in HTML code
- Now insert following code before ]]></b:skin>
#navbar-iframe,#navbar { display: none !important; }
Save Template and view your blog.
This is very easy two steps for remove navigation bar from blogger. If you have more suggestion about this topic then you can send us your opinion and suggestion for this post we consider your suggestion in our post.