How To Optimize Links And Tags For Seo In Blogger

How to optimize links and tags for seo in blogger

Seo is very important than every thing  for blogs and websites. Seo is the only method to get some unique and organic traffic. There are many seo tips on the internet and many of them are useful but in some websites all seo tips and fake. I have written a post about seo which works really as I am using it too for my blog's traffic.
You can read it here. In my seo tips post I have told that links and tags optimization is important for seo but maybe some of you won't understand how to optimize them, so this post is to help out those who don't know how to optimize links and post tags for seo.

How to optimize links for seo in blogger:

I am starting from optimizing links for seo as links play a vital role in seo. How? the answer is because links contains titles of the posts and thus are helpful for appearance of your blog links in search results.

How to optimize links and tags for seo in blogger

As in above image link defines keywords of post, so its important to optimize them for seo. To optimize links of both posts and pages you have to do following things:

(1). Links of posts(Permalinks):

While writing a post you might have seen an option on right hand of the editor "permalinks" all you have to do is using it to optimize your post links for seo. First of all write title of your post then click on permalink and select automatic, it will automatically generate a seo friendly link for your post, now click on Done and your post link is optimized for seo. Sometimes permalinks don't contain full title of post and maybe it won't contain keywords also so these links are not seo optimized but you can optimize them by adding a custom link for your post. To add a custom link for your post click on permalink and select custom permalink now erase the whole link and write your own link having keywords of the post. Congrats! your post's link is optimized.

How to optimize links and tags for seo in blogger

(2). Links of pages:

Every blog has pages such as contact page, about page, disclaimer page etc, their links also play an important role in seo as these pages are featured and need to appear in search results. When we create a new page in blogger its link contains underscores(_) in most cases and hence results in wrong results(not appear in search results). To avoid underscores in links you have to write only 1 word in the title tab of the page for example if you are creating privacy policy page first title it privacy, save it and then click on close. Now open it again and now write policy, after doing this their won't be any underscore in links of the image so your page's link is optimized for seo successfully.

How to optimize links and tags for seo in blogger

How to write tags for seo optimization in blogger:

After links its time to learn about optimizing posts by having tags in a seo friendly way so that search engines could use them to show results. You can optimize tags of your blog posts in two ways:

(1). H2 tags:

If you are a blog reader and have read many posts about optimizing blog for seo then you must have read this before that write tags in H2 font size as search engines encounter h2 text for showing results. But most of blogger don't what h2 tags are and how to write h2 tags in posts. Here in this post I will show you how can you write tags in h2 size, to write tags in h2 size follow below steps:
  • Go to your post which you are writing or have written and edit it.
  • Now write the tags in the last of the post or on the top of the post and click on Html on the tools on top of the editor.
How to optimize links and tags for seo in blogger
  • Find your tags by using Ctrl+F on your keyboard and write <h2> in the starting of the tags for example your tags are Tags: seo, tips for seo, blogger seo tips 100% working now in the Html tab of your post find your tags and write <h2> and </h2> before and after your tags as shown below: 
</h2>Tags: seo, tips for seo, blogger seo tips 100% working</h2>
  • Now click on save and you are done!
(2). Italic tags:

First write tags in H2 size and then give them italic style by using the tools above the post editor. To have italic style for tags follow below steps:
  • Go to your post and click on edit.
  • Find your tags in the compose tab(no need to switch to html tab).
  • Select your post tags and click on the I in the tools as shown in below image:
How to optimize links and tags for seo in blogger
  • Save post and publish it.
Final words:

Seo optimization is very necessary for blogs and websites therefore I suggest you to read this post also , thanks for visiting 101Helper I hope this post was helpful to you. If you have any problem ask me in comments or send me you message through Email: , Follow and subscribe to 101Helper for latest news about seo, tips, tricks, widgets and tutorials. If you like this post then take few seconds to share it with others.

Tags: How to optimize links and tags for seo in blogger, seo optimization, blogger seo tips, seo optimize blog, blogger seo help, free seo tips 100% working for blog, seo tips for websites, links optimization for seo, seo tags optimization, 101Helper seo tips for blogger.


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