How to Make Computer Faster Instantly

Hello Guys In this era of technology, everyone is trying to make their pc faster, so that their pc can run faster. They go to the Cpu Speed Professionals to show their computers, but they don�t follow the basic Steps to make computer faster. There are some basic things through which you can make your pc faster. First we should how a computer works does and what is CPU Speed.

How to Make PC Faster

What is CPU Speed

Our computer works through some functions, basics should be known to us. Processor takes some data through some input device just like keyboard or mouse and process itself by the command of the user and performs the action on data, and then it provides us the result through some output device just like Monitor or Printer etc. Now the Question is, when we give a signal to Processor through some input device, where does it stores and how computer perform actions on it???

The answer is; the data is temporarily stored in Ram. Ram stands for Random Access Memory.
Ram temporarily stores the data and processor performs action on it. Remember!! The data in the Ram is automatically ends when computer turns off. You can not Change it afterwards.

Don�t get Stressed

You can see any where, you will see every one is asking how to make computer faster? How to increase computer speed?  How to improve Computer Performance? Don�t worry I m going to reveal the secrets to make your pc faster. Just follow as my instructions.

Ways to Speed up your Computer

1: Remember first thing, if you want to speed up your computer, you have to keep your data in set form. Now set form means you have to keep your data according to their data type in one folder. For Example: videos should be Separated, Audios should be separated, Documents should be separated and all files just like it. It will help your computer to read the data easily and your computer will work faster.

2: 2nd Method is very rare and very powerful, many people does not know about it, though this method you can increase your Ram Memory. As you know computer works through your Ram, if your Ram will be high, your pc will work faster, just follow the Steps to increase your Ram Memory.

Following Steps Are:

Open My Computer Properties

Click on advanced tab

Open performance settings

Go to Advance Tab

Click on Virtual Memory Change

Textual Steps:

Step1:Go to My Computer Properties.

Step2:Go to advanced tab.

Step3:Go to performance settings.

Step4: Go to advanced tab again.

Step5:Go to virtual Memory Change tab.

Step6:Double your memory Maximum value, but remember don�t increase it too much, more you increase than your double value, your computer will be more Slow (Only Double your Value).

All Done, Enjoy

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