From Simple 'Thank You' Page To a Compact Free Training Section! All I Learned.

feature thank you page transformation

Well Well Well, it all changes right from here! If you already downloaded my free eBook in the past, you would know how BloggingeHow's 'thank you page' or 'downloadebook' page transformed with the passage of time.

Today, that page got an overall in terms of how I'll be able to serve my subscribers with what exactly they need. Read on if this is all confusing to you...

When you sign up for BloggingeHow's free eBook guide "6 Months to a 1000$ Blog", via any of the subscription boxes on the blog, you're then redirected to the back-end of the blog, which was previously just a simple 'thank you' page when I started with AWeber about an year ago I believe.

If you don't know what AWeber is, it's an email marketing tool that I use for keeping in touch with my email subscribers. You can learn more about it in the post 6 Reasons to Get Started With Aweber - You'd Be Foolish Otherwise.

How BloggingeHow's Email Subscription Funnel Looked Like...?

In fact, in the past, I made use of the 2 step optin, where the subscriber would first click the confirmation link after he subscribed to the blog, and would then get redirected to the 'Thank You' page which simply stated few lines, that I really appreciated them for being part of BloggingeHow family and there was a simple call to action right after that to check out few other popular blog posts.

Also, mean while, subscriber would get his eBook download link via another email with in few seconds.

aweber email confirmation page

How Thank-You Page Transformed Into a Standalone 'Download eBook' Page...?

Than I took a step further to take a decision to opt out of 'confirmation' procedure and provide eBook directly for download right after the visitor transforms into a subscriber.

Why I did that? I'll keep that for another post. There are mixed views on it online though and the end of the day, no body knows your audience better than you your self.

I decided that most of my subscribers were the one who actually wanted the eBook and were not spam bots or people not interested in what I had to offer in general.

They were mostly readers of the blog that turned into subscribers.

Which was Good! And exactly what I wanted. So it was the day to call off email confirmation mid process.

So that's where the 'Download' page was born.

It looked something that this.

download page bloggingehow

The purpose of the page was clear and it was working pretty fine for what it was meant to be. Though, very soon I realized there was far more that could have been done with a subscriber that is already in mood to get more content from you.

It was the time to Re-Design the 'Download page' so to get more of the subscriber right after he lands. Naturally, when you offer a call to action right after he lands on the download page, he would leave the eBook reading for the future.

Which is all good, and this is the time we want to utilize their attention.

Talking the Download Page a Step Further - Redesign from Ground up!

Taking inspiration from Derek Halpern from socialtriggers, I realized the Download page should have been far more than what I made it to be.

I soon made the right adjustments and inserted my personnel picture above the fold to better engage the subscriber and to give them a more personnel touch to the blog.

Below are the 3 things I added:

  • 1- My Picture
  • 2- Social plugins to give more exposure as a CTA (Call to action)
  • 3- Inserted Facebook comments plugin

These were the ONLY changes I made, and bet me not, It made a HUUUGE difference. I realized people started to leave comments and thus creating the 'viral factor' to drive in even more traffic to the squeeze page for the free ebook.

It was epic and I got relaxed for quite a while after that, knowing that the page was doing perfect.

What Next? I should have asked my self. As they say, never stay convinced with your progress...

download page bloggingehow re designeddownload page bloggingehow re designed 2

Notice how I mentioned and reminded the subscriber to 'white' list my emails so that they never get placed in the junk/spam folders. This is really important as all of your efforts could go in vain if the subscriber can't even reach out to the emails you would send them in the future.

The Final Show Down! Download Page Transforming To a Members / Training Section

Finally, there were a lot of more improvements that I recently made on the download page (the user gets redirected to it once they download the eBook) and generally brought every thing together as it was supposed to be.

I'm sure there will be coming many more versions of this page and it's in fact a never ending path. Each iteration would be aimed to be more optimized for the results.

Here is what the additional addons in the final version:

1- A Welcome Video (Where I take on my Camera and Talk About How I got started and gives out a brief Introduction of BloggingeHow in general)

This was long pending on my to-do list and a video right after the subscriber lands is the perfect way to make a strong bond and leave an ever lasting impression.

2- A Better and Clear Call to Action

Now the page is uncluttered before and provides minimal call to action which is required to make the subscribe act for more. Now I ask the subscribers to leave out a comment and share what they are upto and stand at current point.

This helps me better engage with them. The more the comments, the more viral traffic it would generate. Remember?

3- A Free Training Section! Horaaay!

This is still in infancy and I would keep improving and adding more free videos to it so that it would give a clear heads up and training right on the download page.

The idea is to have a 'free training' section where all the 'right info' that the subscriber would want lies there.

I recently did a survey with my email list and founded out exactly what they wanted me to share. This training section is to serve them better.

4- A Mobile Friend Layout - Fully Responsive

Now the Training / Thank you / download page (All in one solution) is fully responsive and would cater the mobile user so much better than before.

This makes sure that I leave no visitors on table to turn into loyal fans. yay!

free training page

free training page 2 bloggingehow

What Do You Think? A Question For You

I hope this post helped you out and helped stay in synced with how I am progressing with BloggingeHow and how exactly you can make use of these tips to help your blog grow.

Now, I want to know, How are you utilizing your eBook Download page on your blog? If you don't have an email optin system setup, what's hindering you to setup one?

Let me know in the comments section below. I would love to get your responses.

Stay blessed guys.

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