Add Different Meta Description Tags to Blogger Posts using Post Editor

Do you want to add different meta description on each post on Blogger? This post is all about the Blogger description and SEO i.e., how can meta description affects your search ranking? How to add meta tags on Blogger using blog post editor? We will discuss all those things in the following content. In WordPress blog, you can easily add meta description while writing your post, but in Blogger, you would not find any option to write the post description while writing your post in the default post editor. However, there is an option inside your Blogger dashboard to enable the search description option in your blog post editor. Once the option enabled, you can write the unique description while writing your post similar as on WordPress blog. You should also read top 3 basic SEO mistakes to avoid Google panda & penguin penalties from your blog.

how to guide for adding different meta tags in blogger
Add different Meta Description in Blogger

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