Microsoft will say goodbye to the Nokia brand soon

Microsoft will say goodbye to the Nokia brand soon

After Microsoft's acquisition of Nokia there was clearly the future of Nokia Lumia. Documents reveal that Microsoft and Nokia will no longer use, but only Lumia.

Many wondered what we would be doing to control Microsoft and Nokia Lumia brand, after the giant software company to buy cellphone maker.

According to internal documents obtained by GeekonGadgets changes regarding these brands would be arriving shortly.

To begin, the Nokia brand would be abandoned in the next cell of the company, but the Lumia brand would remain as the reference cell of the company. The report says that the Nokia Lumia 830 and Lumia 730 will be the last devices that carry the Nokia brand.

Additionally, the Windows Phone brand not exist anymore. The documents show that Microsoft Windows would start calling him simply with him to join their desktop operating systems, laptops and tablets with the system of cell phones.

This is not a surprise, since the last device demonstrated this being called HTC One M8 for Windows.

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