


LFB (Lab For Blogging) was developed by Mr. Muhammad Faisal CEO of the Company.The main purpose of this website is to give the audience with the advance knowledge of technology for advancement., 

At last you are forced open this page to know more about this humble creature.I here will not take your more time because in today's life no one has much time.So I will start my story here.

How I Started Blogging ?

When I was a school guy at early stages of life.I firstly don't have internet approach but when i was connected to internet at that time I was in search of doing something like becoming independent and have a lust to support my family and do something by my own ( which actually is a very difficult thing ) at the age when a guy not knows what these things are.So I started searching about how to make money online when i was doing my 10th grade class.At first I have no knowledge and I do Jobs on many of the internet websites like Data Entry,Writing.Let you tell a story that I wrote a article for a guy on Freelancer and he did not reward me .Leave this ,this is another aspect.With the passage of time I was in search of doing some long term things.
One thing that I think  most and that came in my mind every time when i searched on internet that who are running these websites and why they writes thousands of pages on certain topics and why they are growing day by day? so I started searching about all stuff because in this world no one ever do hard work if it has no reward.Searching for a couple of years and slowly learning about these process I came to know that besides all these is the father of internet called "Google". After Doing that much researh I realize that Blogging is something that can change your life as changed the life of many peoples around the globe.
This was my simple story and want to learn more more about blogging keep visiting this blog.

Here i will add quotation by Bill Gate:

"If you are born poor than its not your mistake,But if die poor than its your mistake "

To know more about blogging just turn over these pages.

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