What is Blogging?

A person who is new to the blogging world always think that what is blogging? and who are bloggers?.So this articles is for those peoples who are new to this field and are in search of these two terms.Blogging is a creative thing to do.When you start blogging you will feel different and you will better.Many people do the blogging for earning money and few are doing for passion.So blogging is word derived from the word blog.Which i explain earlier or click here.


Blog is derived from the word "Web log".This is term used for portals and websites on the web which are used to share information on specific topic or wider categories.Blog usually consists of     posts,comments,archives,videos,links to other websites ,widgets etc.


Blogging  is a each and every technique you required for running of a blog .These techniques are like writing,web designing,Search Engine Optimization,Social media Marketing,Editing,Maintaining the Design of your website.
You are required to learn each and every skills to become a good blogger as good writer can write good articles.Search engine optimizing skills are required for blogger to show their blog on the top of searches.
like this you should be good designer to design your webpages .
You must be SEO and social media marketer as this is this is the powerful source nowadays for marketing of your work you are doing.All these jobs can be done by freelancers but it requires a lot of money which will cost you a handful of money so you must learn each and every skills by yourself to save your money. 


Blogs can be made on any topics in which you think that you are expert.For example if you are expert in cooking than you should make a blog consisting of recipes of food.If you are expert in search engine optimization than you should start your blog where you should give tips for the better SEO.
Blog can be made on the topics like political news,political topics,sports,Web design ,Technology,Gadgets etc.Here the recommendation is that you must be expert in certain topic to Start a blog.


If you want to run a blog just for fun ,hobby or entertainment than you can start a blog now for free on WordPress or Blogger.  But when you start a new business than you invest some money and than you earn some money so same is the case here if you want to do blogging just for earning money than you have to do some investment for domain name and hosting.

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