Today we give you some basic but important rule of blogging. Follow this rules of blogging and you should become an successful blogger. The top 10 blogging rules are very important because every bloggers who want to avoid themselves from negative publicity. Read below this rules and follow them to protect yourself from problems.
Content should be in sync with the name of the blog. This is the thing where most of the people go wrong. Your content and the blog name must match. If this doesn't happen it may result in the scenario of people expecting chicken and getting chocolate.
Know your Audience
A blog is like a magazine and like every successful magazine on earth it must know the reader to which it is targeting. Like life, a blog is also more successful when it is targeted in its approach. It should be reader centric in its approach.
Crisp & Concise
Be crisp and concise Also one should decide the tone of the blog before starting it. This helps the audience in knowing what to expect e.g. a blog which is sarcastic in its approach, a humorous blog, and a blog full of information but dry in its narration. This approach helps in retaining the customer base for long since they know what to expect.
Blogging Themes
Selected themes should not over shadow content of the blog i.e. It should be readable (Brightness of the theme should not overshadow the content of the blog. Home page should be organized such that it should lure readers to read more
Link Exchange
Go for Exchange link of your blogs with other bloggers but take care of other blog sites purposes it increases website credibility. Update your Blog frequently: Now days it comes on search engine with in 15 min.
Blog Content Update
Update your Blog frequently, Now a days it comes on search engine with in 15 min. But don�t overdo it. Most of the people, who talk a lot, don�t have anything worth to talk. Usual time frame should be one blog in two days on an average.
Quote references in the form of links. It increases the credibility of the blog thereby leaving the readers impressed. Have you ever wondered why some blog links are shared on social media while others are not? The keyword here is �Credibility� apart from other things. Also there should be no broken links in the blog. Google search engine keeps that also in mind while ranking your blog
Free Tools
Use free search engine tools provided by Google and yahoo to enhance the search ability of the blog
Paid Advertising
Go for Ad words provided by Google if you want to earn few bucks quickly. Also, use tags judiciously/use fonts to highlight article.
Related Content
Content should be related. There must not be too much disparity in the content .e.g: If the blog is on human relationships then it must no go into as diverse a topic as sports. Both of them are different genres altogether and Google while ranking your page keeps in check the homogeneity of the content on the blog. Also avoid grammatical errors, plagiarism and spelling mistakes. This helps in increasing Alexa Ranking.
Related Categories
Use related categories for your all blog post to find more relevant article for your reader. If you put all article to an relevant category then reader search more article in this category.