The love for money is the root of all evil
The love for money is the root of all evil
Love of Money causes tremendous injuryand destruction not solelyreception level however all told over the globe. little question Money is required to meet our basic desires of life however additional standard love of Money is actually the reason for all evils. once our necessary desiresends up inluxurious we have a tendency to are becomingconcerned to collect it a lot of and a lot of. Our sturdy Urge to urge more Money and living a more robust life style indulge U.S. in several evils.
Lust of Money affects the human relations badly. Person, having need for Money, try and accumulate it at any price and means that. Love of Money becomes the reason forantagonism between close relations like friend and friend. All ethicalvalues square measureneglected and put aside wherever Money is concerned. The love of Moneypoisons relationshipand relationship of every kind. it'sthe need of Money that causes mortalsto commit a thieveryor a fraud, or to involve in terrorist activities. it's the need of Money that causes to commit a home theft or a bank dakoit.
Islamic Knowledge is very important for us for our entire Life.
Now-a-days, all the newspapers square measure jam-packed with stories of crimes, murders and kidnaps that square measurecommitted for the sake of Money. A recent example of lust of Money whereverSomali pirates freefour Pakistani and eighteendifferenthostages when Brobdingnagianransom was paid to them. Pirates had kidnaped a bunch of twenty-two crew members, enclosed Egyptians, Indians and a Sri Lankan in August last year, on board vessel MV urban center of associate Egyptian company and had demanded $2.1 millions for his or herunleash.
Being the Muslim, we have a tendency to shouldpay our additional incomes for the welfare of poor individualsrather than sign it. Muslim history contains a numeroussamples ofAshaba Akram (RA) UN agency spent their Brobdingnagian portion of financial gain as charity. {when we have a tendency to|once we|after we} pay Money within the name of God and for the service of human racewe get plenty of blessings from God.
Lust of Moneybecomes the reason forall social and economic evils like importing, illicit distillation of liquor, sign of commodities, adulteration of foodstuffs and black promoting, gambling, speculation and cut throat competition in Money square measure to be attributed to people�s love of Money. it's the love of Money that forces sales man of medical store to sell spurious medication to create additional profits. it's the love of Money that forces shopkeepers to sell cigarettes to underage even illegalby Government. it'sthe love of Moneyonce more that ends up in the exploitation of poor by made. Love of Moneyspoils the peace of a nation quitethe other evil