Google plans to update its greater semantic search

Google plans to update its greater semantic search
Google is about to embark on its biggest update in the history. Tried to stay as leader after the increase in competition and new technology that comes on quickly, Google is working on the restructuring of its search functionality, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The new changes will be qualifying itself in the coming months, but the complete restructuring of the next generation search engine may take years and apparently Google does not have a clear agenda to make all changes.

The plan to modernize the Google search engine would not be changing the system keyword search, but would focus on providing more relevant results.

Google's new look will be "as humans see the world." This new target would be reached with Google technology called "Semantic Search" (Semantic Search), which allow searches of people are better adapted to the "entities", places, people or things, which have been building the company in the last two years.

One example would be based on the present search for "Lake Tahoe" or "Lake Tahoe." Today, Google results would show the website visitor and a map. With semantic search (semantic search), users can see this lake important attributes such as location, temperature, altitude and salt content.

With the new update, Google would be looking to build an infrastructure layer or aspect of extra knowledge that provides greater functionality with aspects related to what we seek.

The new changes would possibly affecting how it works internally on search engines, affecting Web Optimization or Search Engine Positioning (SEO), advertising and ranking pages in general. Possibly updating Google would directly affect about 10 or 20 percent of all searches, according to the newspaper informed.

Google has gradually been renewed in recent months integrating Google+, a new menu and other aspects of search and design.

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