Use Bold/Italic/Underline Text in Facebook Chat/Wall/Status Updates

In this tutorial, we will show you how to write the different font and formatting on Facebook. You can use these styling into your Facebook status, wall, friend's wall, fan pages, groups and Facebook chat. You may use bold, italic and underline text into your chat conversation to catch the eye of your friends or viewers. Mostly friends know that I am working on this blog Facebook Tips and Tricks, so if they have any doubt or don't know about anything on Facebook, easily contact to me. I am very pleased to work on it and try to give our best solution. A friend of mine asked me that 'how to write bold text in Facebook chat.' It is not a hard work. Just you have to enclose your text by small codes to making it bold, underline or italic. If you don't know the full form of words mostly used on the social networks like Facebook, here is a list of Facebook slang words. You may also read my previous post for to write different formatting text on Google+.
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Font Styles on Facebook

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Update: 17 September, 2014 (Only read this green box, forget all the content outside of this box)
Facebook now remove the text formatting so the method is not working mention outside this box. Thank you Tushar Sharma for the notification. Now, here is another solution to update your Facebook status update, chatting and even it will work on the groups and pages. Just drag FBFormat Bookmarklet link to your browser menu bar (If you don't want bookmarklet or mobile user, you can go directly here to convert your text). It will look like,
bold and italic text for facebook
Now, once you want to update your Facebook status update with bold, italic or strikethrough text, just click on that bookmarklet, and write the text on it, select them, and click on the formatting options. The text will going to convert that you can copy, and paste them where do you want it.
different font styling for facebook
Note: Some text formatting may not work on web-kit browsers like Chrome & Safari. i,e., bold text formatting will not work on chrome and safari while they show only small rectangle instead of bold text.
For more tips and tricks on Facebook, please follow us on Facebook. You can also get the news for free! in your email by subscribing us, look at the top right sidebar to subscribe.

Therefore, here is how to use bold, italic and underline text in Facebook chat and wall. You may use this stylish & cool text generator to update your status updates, chat, and comments on Facebook and Google+.

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