The History of Templates for BloggingeHow (From Ugly to Being Proud)

BloggingeHow have gone through gazillion of web design changes since it started. I had always been a person who paid a major chunk of attention to how the blog looked and felt. I've always believed in creating that first solid impression to the reader and that's what actually matters.

The hunger for even better design, layout and functionality have always kept me going for a much improved version of the blog its self.

Sometimes I would find my self getting carried away from providing new content than to enhance the visuals of the blog. And I Confess that. It's something I believe I would never stop doing.

On top of that, one of the best feed backs I like to get from my readers and friends like you is upon how look and feel of the blog.

The new improvements in the UI that you see every now and then is the vision of the BloggingeHow readers them self.

I just love how it's all evolving and I hope it gets even better with the time.

Today, I have combined couple of major design overalls at BloggingeHow over the course of 3 years since 2011-2014. The images that you see are the screenshots I took from Waybackmachine website where you can get to see your blog's past too.

BloggingeHow In 2011

BloggingeHow in 2011

In 2011, as you can notice in the design, the blog was pretty young and there was not set goal inspiration for me. I had no set plan to utilize my traffic and was learning quite fast.

The blog posts layout was pretty simple too with latest post displaying right to the top.

You can notice the AdSense ads bar on the top. That was the inspiration I got from couple of high earning AdSense blogs and realised this might work.

Though it failed! As BloggingeHow was in a niche where I didn't got any considerable clicks, you can see why in this AskHassam VideoCast:  How to Increase Google AdSense CTR

I had setup blog categories on the navigation bar, and surprisingly, many of you would notice, the blog then cover more of technology stuff.

I transitioned pretty quick there on, and realized that wasn't for me.

BloggingeHow in late 2011

In late 2011, the blog turned up pretty neat and improved. Though there was little functional changes to be noticed. The navigation bar started to transition to more of a personnel side of the blog.

Though I got to say here, the social media links right in line to the navigation bar really helped to attract the eye balls to these profiles even more than what attention they received in the sidebar, that is in the previous version of 2011 above.

Major Change on the way....

In the above screenshot, one of the main features that you notice is the 'TheNextWeb' inspired featured post widget. With the implementation of the widget, I aimed to bring a change to the way the content was displayed.

 Another major intention was to boost the respective posts in terms of Google page rank. 

You'd notice a combination of other subscription widgets in the sidebar as well, which I believe played a key role in my email marketing strategy. I started to realize how important it was to interact via email with my readers.

BloggingeHow in 2013

In 2013, the game was really turned up and there are tons of improvements that you can notice. I installed the Mashable inspired navigation bar that helped me showcase more quality posts from the blog.

You can notice blog posts now displayed the author images dynamically which was a good change in personalizing the content.

The Major Change  - What I Learned

This was the time I signed up for Aweber and still applaud my decision to do so. You can notice the side wide email subscription box that signed up the readers for my ebook "6 Months to a 1000$ per Month blog", that is offered for free.

At then, I was accepting Guest Posts and the navigation bar features the 'Write for Us' page too.

The featured post widget was replaced too with the Glass Shine Hover Effect widget.

More Optimization (Concentrating towards Email Medium)

You now notice an overall in the site-wide email subscription box that boosted the email sign ups and gave a deeper personalization to the blog due my display picture.

Also, the introduction of 3 key navigation buttons above the email form helped the readers get a clear direction of where to start from the blog.

BloggingeHow In 2014

Getting seriously into Aweber and optimizing email signups.

2014 -1

Notice how I keep testing new stuff, new social subscription widgets, new email site wide signups. The navigation bar now indicated a clear indication of  the goals of the blog. I'm planing to cover that in a separate post hopefully.

Site wide Subscription widget here played and is still converting pretty well for BloggingeHow's social presence.

BloggingeHow Currently


Currently, BloggingeHow has many more optimized email op tin boxes to attain the most readers into my subscribers. The navigation bar is more optimized towards the goals the blog aims to achieve.

The Motivation Behind All - Take Away

You've seen there was so many stages where the blog got it's design shifts, which each having an aim behind  it.

I hope the compilation motivates you to get started today, as it's all about getting to start. It's so very often that we create tons of plans with in our minds and never actually implement them.

The key to start experience the good stuff is that you start putting in efforts towards your goals which is equally important as envisioning the goals them selves.

To all my fellows out there, I hope you start realizing your dreams soon and build up your very own online empire. 

Peace out.

You may like to read: How to Launch & Publish a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog In 8 Minutes! [Screencast]

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