How to Migrate from Feedburner to Aweber Seamlessly

I recently posted 6 Reasons to Get Started With Aweber and today we'll lay down simple steps and all that you need to smoothly transition your current Feedburner account to Aweber. There are few heads up I would like to lay down before we proceed with the technical steps.

What You Should Be Prepared For is that you'd loose considerable amount of subscribers when you're done moving on to Aweber. Why? Below the factors involved.
How to Migrate from Feedburner to Aweber Seamlessly

2 Reasons You'd Loose a lot of Current Subscribers

1- Feedburner is unproductive for sure and we all know that. 

The subscribers aren't engaging enough and you'd notice near to no interaction from the subscribers. Even if you have thousands of subscribers on the Feedburner list, you'd probably not seeing lots of traffic coming towards your blog when you send out a broadcast / newsletter of blog.

Why? Feedburner's newsletter is poorly designed and doesn't attract lots of eye balls. On top of that, the newsletters email subjects aren't quite attractive and are based on the blog posts your published on the blog.

You can't choose a custom email subject for your email broadcast, which sucks big time and thus doesn't bring in results.

Emails open rate on Feedburner is so low that more than  80-90% of your subscribers won't even open the email newsletter. Who you think would actually click the links with in? Very few.

2- Aweber subscribers activation

When you shift your subscribers form feedburner to Aweber, you'd have to export the entire subscribers list form Feedburner and import that to Aweber.

Now Aweber would send email confirmation to those subscribers to activate their subscription to your email list. Only the active subscribers who accept the email confirmation are added to your new Aweber list.

That Drops Tons of Your Current Subscribers...

Over the time, your email list degrades, that is people loose their interest in what you provide to them. Thus its very likely they won't accept their email confirmations.

ALSO, its quite possible that the email confirmation email that Aweber would send to the new subscribers would land in the JUNK folder.

Thus they never see it.

So, be prepared for that all. You would definitely loose tons of subscribers, though, its all worth it. When I switched over to Aweber from Feedburner, BloggingeHow probably had 700 subscribers and when the transition was done, I was only left with 2 figures of subscribers.

That sucked at then. Though I'm so glad I did it then. If it was today, I would have only found my self wasting 1 entire year.

Over the last year, the email list has earned it's amount via reviews, email list promotions etc. And it's a business in its own and has solidified BloggingeHows position as a whole.

On top of that, I love my subscribers. It's such a satisfaction I could communicate with my BloggingeHow family any time in a day.

That's great.

So lets move on to the technical steps you need to complete the transition process from Feedburner to Aweber.

Feedburner to Aweber - Steps Laid Down

Login to your Feedburner account and click Publicize tab. Next click 'Email Subscriptions' option in the left sidebar. Follow the images below.

feedburner to aweber 1

feedburner to aweber 2

feedburner to aweber 2

Once you've exported CSV subscribers file from Feedburner, you now have to add that to your Aweber's subscribers list. Follow the images below.

feedburner to aweber 3

feedburner to aweber 5

feedburner to aweber 6

feedburner to aweber 8

feedburner to aweber 9

For the final confirmation message, you can customize it by clicking on the text. It's sometimes better to write it your self taking care of the relation you've with your readers and subscribers.

It would help get more confirmations as people tend to relate with who you are.

I hope this helps you out. Kindly share the post with your social circle if you think this would help anybody out.


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