How I Lost 5.09$ On Fiverr & Learned a Life Lesson!

Let me begin by saying, Fiverr is great. I've been seeking a helping hand from Fiverr's freelancers quite a bit, ranging from a professional logo design to expensive Video Intros for VideoCast.

As I'm a huge fan of lending over the tasks to a group of team to maximize the results as we know a good team really constitutes to the success of any fortune. Though, this time it was a different experience altogether.

twitter lesson

How it All Started -  The Idea / Experiment

I've been active on Facebook and partly on Google plus for BloggingeHow since the start, though never paid much attention to Twitter. This was me being foolish. Though I've been using it to the extent of automation where the blog posts get posted on Twitter automatically.

Though that's the waste of time after all, we know.

Twitter is a bunch of 'real humans' who can smell 'the real interaction' vs the automatic posts being thrown at their face since the beginning of times.

So looking forward to that, I planned on being active on Twitter bring up the game on this social giant too.

2 Ways to Increase Twitter Presence...

We know there are majorly two ways to gain followership on Twitter and people have been successful with both surprisingly.

1- Gaining Twitter followers organically via your blogs, forum signatures, word of mouth etc.
2- Share for Share - Which actually works better on Twitter than on Facebook.

There are countless Twitter accounts out there that you'd notice that have, lets say 250k Followers and their 'following' count would be likewise high, e.g 234k.

So with that ratio, we get to know that the majority of the followers aren't organic.


That doesn't concludes that these 'inorganic' accounts are of no use to the moderators. In fact, they could perform surprisingly very well, if the Followers are targeted.

Having a target audience is the key here, no matter you have 5 subscribers that are your crazy fans or 100k that are a bunch of random profiles that doesn't even have the profile picture setup.

The Experiment

With a will to experiment on how effective these Twitter accounts were, with mountain size followership, I made my mind to rent out one of these Twitter accounts on Fiverr.

Fiverr, as some of you might be wondering, is a Freelancer website ( that is), where you can offer a work/gig for minimum of 5$.

The seller can add more value to the offer and ask for more money likewise.

I searched Fiverr thoroughly for a good gig that seemed honest with their claims and had a considerable amount of good reviews on their shoulders. I was surprised to see so many positive reviews and every body was like "Honestly the best gig on Fiverr' ....

And there I realized there was something wrong here...

I kept on reading more reviews, moving on from first page to the fourth one, I finally found few negative comments and that was where I made my mind to hire the person.

YES! I was actually looking for the negative comments too... The reason being, if I only found positive comments, with every other person having the same tone, it felt more like staged.

So finally I ended up paying 5$ to that Freelancer and Paypal charged me 0.09$ over that for transaction.

The gig actually offered to Tweet/Retweet to an audience of 250k, which is huge. The person had likewise 200k+ Following count, which made it clear that the account was enhanced using the automation tools.

Finally, I knew I had to offer a highly converting message that had all the attributes of success. The tweet was something like as below:

You're Missing how this 22 Year old Kid is averaging 1370$ from his blog � Weirdly! Get FREE Copy before Deadline!

There is a who different anatomy of this tweet and as to why it converts well for me in a different post hopefully, though for now, I estimated to get anywhere from 200-400 optins, if the gig performed 'extremly' bad and IF the followers of the person were really crappy.

The gig also mentioned mentioned the demographics that the majority audience was college students, so the tweet was just perfect to attract the young audience.

After all, every body wishes to make money! Even if the gig was to fail, minimum of 200+ optins were expected.

Guess what? It Crashed Entirely!....xD

Didn't even got a single optin for my eBook download here.

The reasons were obvious. It seemed the audience had gone through similar tweets before where people post fake get rich schemes and destroy the trust of the readers. That could be one of the reasons.

Lesson Learned

There is a lot to learn from this amazing experience I would say. At least now I know 1 strategy that doesn't work. (Yup, you recognized the quote rightly!)

Lesson#1 A Very Narrowed Targeting is Must!

For the future when we setup a campaign to enhance Twitter followers inorganically,  we need to make sure, that we're not just adding a bunch of people who doesn't give a dam to what you might offer them in the future.

Even if the demographics seems interesting, the funnel they are brought in is 'extremely' important.

Lesson#2 In appropriate Tweet.

It seemed that the tweet I promoted was really coherent with the audience or at least the way it was put on seemed spammy.

Even though the tweet grabbed attention with it's keywords and had a clear call to action that asked people to download, followed by a 'fear' factor that said 'before Deadline'.

The message had the attributes of Success. BUT! That was where I was wrong.

People actually get tons of such messages put on their face, and on a broader prospective, the tweet seemed spammy, which made people resist to click.

Lesson#3 Inorganic Twitter Followers Work Well

Using various tools to enhance your Twitter followers on the basis of Follow-for-Follow can be done using various paid and free tools out there such as TweetAdder or Twiends.

As long as the followers are of the same mind set and share similar interests as the moderator, the audience can be quite engaging.

Very soon, I'll share how we can use these automation tools to enhance one's Twitter presence to the next level.

THOUGH, it goes with out saying. There is no better follower ship that comes in naturally. Though a naturally inflowing Twitter follows, specially to the level of 100k+ doesn't comes in fast. Either one needs to have a lots of patience, or can experiment with other targeted automation tools.

I hope this helps you fellows out. The next time you reach out to rent Twitter followers, make sure you know what you're posting.

If the post helped you out, kindly share it in your social circle. It helps alot.


Now, you may like to read:  How to Make Money on Fiverr Using Your Blog

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