Making Private and Specific User's Accessing Blog

In today's scenario, blogger has been very useful, helpful and popular among the students, businessmen, staffs of a office, teachers, and moreover that it also helps in an organization to communicate with each other privately and also publicly. Blogger has been a social media, communication media, home base earning way, and also entertainment tools. There are various causes that  bloggers likes to make their blogs private. It means a blogger can make his/her blog private and can give the access to specific and important users. It can be very suitable for a company. If a company wants to share their
things among their staffs, it can give access to their specific staff and share their things among staffs using blogger private. This time I am publishing my post of making private and giving access to specific users.

How to make a specific access user blog an make private

private blog

Blogger gives access anyone your blog by default. Any people can access your blogger through internet if blog reader mode is set to public. To make private and to give specific users access to your blog, just login to your blog and then click on setting then basic setting and blog readers.

private users of blogger

Now change the blog readers mode into private and only blog authors. Then add the gmail of your specific readers in the shown box. You can add multiple users.
access privately my blog

Now this definitely makes your blog private and only specific users can access your blog. I hope this tutorial has made your blog private and this will make your blogging journey more entertaining and important.
Thank you.

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