What is HTML 5: Basic HTML

We have already learnt about the HTML. So here we are just going to discuss about the HTML 5
HTML 5 is the most new standard of HTML which induced being cooperation between the 2 company World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the WHATWFG (web hypertext application technology)
w3c and WHATWG both decided to create a new version of HTML, then they create HTML 5. In previous stage there were the version HTML, HTML 4, XHTML. After that HTML 5 was induced to replace the all of them oldies. Indeed. HTML 5 is very useful to the tablet, pc, smartphone etc. There are various advantages of HTML 5. Specially, it reduces the external plugins. It is also used for error handling. HTML 5 developement process is visible for public. New special features or characteristics of HTML 5 are:
  • <canvas> tag which is used for 2d drawing.
  • It is also supportable in local storage device.
  • There are various specific tags or elements. Such as <article>, <footer>, <header> etc which are completely new in HTML.
  •  Media elements are also very significant features of HTML 5
  • HTML 5 is started with the writing <!DOCTYPE html>. 

Yeh it is obvious that when a thing has advantages, it also has its various disadvantages. Thus there are also some disadvantages of HTML 5 ie it doesnot support in old browser. In short, HTML 5 is nothing, its same as the previous version of HTML but it has included and excluded some functions and features on it. So it is very powerfull language in web world.