The Game of SEO :Search Engine Optimization is a dirty game via which you can boost organic traffic to your website.It's three letters word but actually this word has brought revolution in the internet world.Remember it is not Science !! But actually it is an art.
So What's Up : I just tried to wind up the word SEO in this article , however it was not possible , i will publish more articles on SEO so stay in touch and its the time to bring your blog at the top of the Google!
The Implications of Keywords
Whenever we talk about the Keyword Strategy the basic thing we need to remember is that all of this is dependent on the Search Engines.The Search Engine is actually , what the means and way provide to the searchers , so it is hell true that we are at the mercy of Search Engine.Now how to deal with the search engines ?Familiarize Your Self with the Page Title
Whenever you are going to implement your keywords in the article , the most obvious and important thing to implement is the Page Title.The Page title is usually at the top of the browser , page title settings is completely under your control , you can change the title to your desired words.In the page title relevant keyword should be used , why? Because the Page Title is the primary SEO Element of each page ! Now write what you have mentioned in the title i.e summarize the title keyword in the article.Key points you should implement on your blog for the page title is given below
- Your Page title should not exceed the limit of 65 Characters ! Oh what i type 65? Yes, Search engine only shows the first 65 Characters , so you should limit your page title to the 65 Characters, you can exceed the 65 characters limit but it will be considered bad SEO.
Understand the Page Structure Clearly
Whenever the search engine servers download your website pages it looks the structure of the website.Let's suppose you have a website having navigation menu where keywords are used in such away that it is related to your website so it will be considered good SEO.Moreover headings should be used in the format given below.
- h1 for Primary Headlines
- h2 for Subheadings
- h3 For minor headings
- and So on
Headline ?
For Better SEO we should use only One H1 headline tag per page, as in the newspaper there is only one big headline , likewise we should use one H1 headline tag per page.
How About your Content?
Content are the words which are on your page , the contents that has listed and the contents that has the keywords , and it explains the information about the specific topic.Your Contents should be real , not copied and should be well occupied by the relevant keyword.But remember don't use too much keywords , because the excess of everything is bad! Actually there is a term keyword density !! which means the number of keywords used in the content , so for Good SEO it should be used less.
Links : Anchor Text
Take a look on the above code, whenever you are writing an article keep in mind you should use this anchor text very carefully.You can use it as a keyword , it will be good for your website SEO and Link building strategy.<p> View
<a href="how_to_write.html">
Writing </a> Helps you to write </p>
Image file-names and attributes
Look at the below code
<img src="images/pizza.jpg" alt="pizza" width="200" height="70" />
- The name of image(pizza) should be meaningful , so it will help you to bring the images in image search engine quickly.Another option is alt attribute.It Provides context for search engine when the images are not loading.It also gives a tiny boost for keyword relevance.It also helps to bring your website image to the top in the search engine , so do use these options and always define it clear and well.
So What's Up : I just tried to wind up the word SEO in this article , however it was not possible , i will publish more articles on SEO so stay in touch and its the time to bring your blog at the top of the Google!