Text Formatting Tags: Basic HTML

We already knew that in the previous tutorial tags are specific instruction which starts with '<' and end with '>'.  Here we are going to tell you about some of the text formatting tags.
text formatting tags for html

Text formatting tags:-

Text formatting tags are those tags which are used to format the text content of webpages.  It means text formatting tags are for formatting the text content of the web page. There are various text formatting tags. Some of the tags are we will discuss bellow:-

Preformatted tags:-
Preformatted tag is that tag which preformats the content written between the tag. When we write the content in between the tag, we can see the content as exactly what have written.
<pre> ........ </pre>

Bold tags:-
Bold tag is used to make specific text bold. When we want to highlight some text, we write bold tag.
There is two type of bold.
<b>......</b> or <strong>.......</strong>
Example:- <b> This is a example of bold tag. </b>
Basically there is no difference between <b> tag and <strong> but in the view of SEO <strong> tag is more preferrable than <b>.

Italic tag:-
This tag is actually used to italic the text or content. There is two italic tags.
<i>...............</i> and <em>.............</em>. Indeed there is no difference between these two tags but <em> (emphasize tag is more preferable for search engine optimization).
Example:- <i> This is a example of italic tag. </i>

Underline tag:-
For underlining the content or text, we use the underline tag. The syntax of underline tag is given below:
Example:- <u> This is a example of underline. </u>
Superscript and Subscript tags:-
Superscript tag is a kind of tag that is used to write some letter and number as superscript of a letter or text and subscript tag is used to write some letter or number as subscript of text or letter.
<sup>...........</sup> and <sub>....................</sub>
Example:- <sup> This is a example of superscript tag. x2 </sup>

Paragraph tag:-
Paragraph tag is mostly usable tag for web page designing. It is used to make paragraph in the webpage. The syntax of paragraph tag is given below:
Example:- <sub> This is a example of subscript tag log10 X.</sub>

Strike tag:-
strike tag is used to draw the line just middle of the text.
Example:- <strike> This is a example of strike tag </strike>

Heading tag:-
There is different 6 types of heading tags. They are <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6>.
Often <h1> tag is used for the title of the web page. It makes the text larger than other 5 heading tags.
Example:- <h1> This is a example of heading tag.</h1>