How To Enable Post Tagging Approval In Facebook

How To Enable Post Tagging Approval In Facebook
Facebook is being one of the most popular social networking platform which is being used by billions of users. Facebookhelps people in connecting with their friends, relatives, loved ones and who ever they want to contact. Some people also make the friends online out of their country and some of them build the relationships online. Facebook is also very strict in privacy now a days. The new user have to pass many security steps. Well, we�ve a good news for those who are getting irritated by being tagged in irrelevant posts. Now they can review or approve the each and every post in which they will be tagged and after the approval that post will appear in their timeline. They can also delete or hide the post which they don�t want to add in their profile. This is the fantastic feature introduced some days ago which will help the Facebook users to make the privacy even better. As I�ve told you that Facebook is being strict in privacy and soon the high security will be done for better usage. Well, Those who want to enable post tagging approval in their account can simply follow the below given steps for doing this and we�re also going to teach you that how can we approve or disapprove any post. So friends let�s begin the tutorial.

Enabling Post Tagging Approval
Go To Facebook >> Login To Your Account >> Your Timeline
At The Right Bottom Side Of Cover Picture There will be some buttons. Just click the settings drop down button menu and Go to Timeline Settings
Now here you�re on the timeline setting page. On the top you will see �Who can add things to my timeline?� and in that section second option is about enabling post tagging approval. So just click the edit button on that option. See the screenshot below
After that you will see the Disabled button. It means that post tagging approval in disabled so just click it and hit the enable button.
Now you�ve successfully enabled the post tagging approval. So now let�s jump to next step.

Approve Or Delete Posts In Which You�ll Be Tagged

So you�re already logged in to your Facebook account. In order to approve or delete any post in which you�ll be tagged, just go to your profile and click on �Activity Log� button.
Now you�re in activity log and in the sidebar you�ve to go to �Timeline Review�.
There all the pending approval posts will be stored. Just click �Add To Timeline� To approve and �Hide� to delete.
That�s All.
Need Help?
So friends how was the tutorial ? I hope this is helpful for those who are getting irritated by this like me. This really feels bad but now we�ve got the rid of this. If you�re facing any problem in learning this and feel free to ask in the comments. We�ll reply you back soon and also get connected with us for more handsome tips. Take Care! Good Bye!

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