Easy and Faster Capture Screenshot Tool for Windows : Lightshot

Lightshot is one of the best online tool where you can capture screenshot easily and lot of option to editing with your capture, there capture editor looks like Photoshop editor and there all functions are easy and faster then anybody can use it normally
Well, in this post i�ll show you how to capture screenshot easily with Lightshot. Sometimes surfing the internet you need to make a screenshot of a webpage or a special area of it. Yes, you can just hit PrtSc and edit the screenshot to get what you finally need. But the thing is that you should spend much time doing boring editing work to get an area of the screenshot that you need. Learn how it could be done quickly. so.. let�s start to learn how to use Lightshot ( prntscr.com ) for faster capture screenshot.
  • first of all go to prntscr.com
  • Click on download desktop Lightshot for free button at top-right side of the page.
  • To download Lightshot on your pc and install it
  • After finished installment process Start LightShot with Prt Scrn hotkey, your screen will go darker.
  • Select area you want to capture
  • Choose action you want to do, it could be copy to clipboard, save to a file, upload to get a web-link and edit.
  • Click Edit icon or press Ctrl+E to launch on-line editor
  • Click Upload icon or press Ctrl+D to upload and get a web-link
get link

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