How to Make Dofollow Comment Blog

dofollow comment blog pic
Do you want to make your blog dofollow comment blog? This question also arise when you want more visitors and more comments on your blog because most of the people want to comment on those blogs which are dofollow. Dofollow blog is that blog which induce backlinks for other. I will say next time about what backlink is. So the most bloggers and users want to comment on those blog and make backlink.

By the way, blogger blog is nofollow blog in default. Nofollow is not important for SEO. When you make your blog dofollow, you might get lots of comment as well as spam comments. So you should able to face with spamming because webmasters search dofollow blogs and treat them for backlinks. However, you get also lot of original comment if your blog is unique and good. In order to make your blog dofollow comment blog, just follow the given steps:-

Step 1: Lets enter into the blogger dashboard.
Step 2: And then just click on template and edit html.
Step 3. Now let just find the given code. Press CTRL and F then find this code
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
Step 4: Just replace the code nofollow by dofollow otherwise just delete the above code.
Step 5: Now click on Save Template.

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