Travis and da Disappearin Dog Foodz

Dis are da face of innoscents right?  Da face of orange fluffy innoscents dat would never never rip open an unopened bag of doggie kibble just to get some?

Well, I'm not dat innoscent.  I is dat hungry.  And dat doggie kibble smelled really yummy.  Momma were not to happy when she caught me in da cabinet rip pin open da bag of doggie kibble.  But it smelled so good!!  I tore dat plastic bag right open and was join to town.

Momma don't like me havin no doggie kibble because a couple times I has gotten it and overindulged and gotten sick from eatin too much of it.  So it are usually locked up away from me, but I managed to open da cabinet to get at it.

Maybe if my momma didn't starve me so much I wouldn't be so hungry.  HINT HINT momma - I only got 3 breakfastses and 2 lunches today - I think dat qualifies as kitten aboose!!!


P.S.  I'm gonna find a way to get back into dat dog food - just wait!!

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