Consistency does not only mean keeping your blog up to date by publishing new or fresh content periodically, it also means maintaining the look of your business blog and the passion and gusto to engage your audience. I want to reiterate that consistency is a major determinant of blogging success, and in a short while, you will know why.
Consistency Nurtures You to be a Niche Leader
I know that many bloggers want to top their niche and get accolades and recognition for what they do in their respective industries. Trust me, every blogger dreams of becoming a niche leader when he/she first ventures into blogging. The truth is; it takes consistency to become a niche leader and to achieve blogging success. You�ve got to start somewhere and grow your blog over time to gain recognition. If you blog consistently and judiciously, then you will accelerate your growth and the popularity of your blog.
Consistency Creates the Right Brand Image
Your blogging success also depends on the impression or image that your brand creates. To succeed, you have to brand your blog in a way that helps attracts more readers and retain the existing readership. Examine the look and feel of your blog and determine whether or not it is consistent with your brand image. You have to create the right impression to readers and visitors every time they visit your blog. Don�t keep changing theme, colors, fonts, and avatars from time to time. It�ll make you look inconsistent something which may not augur well with the majority of your readers. But, if you�re consistent, you�ll make readers want to associate with your blog as they are used to it.
Consistency Creates a Community
The majority of bloggers want to get an audience by using content marketing to build a community of readers overnight. Is that possible? I don�t think so. You can only attract an audience if you blog consistently. It�s not enough to use email marketing or online video marketing to get an audience, you have to maximize the use of your blog and do it consistently. Let�s look at it this way. If you blog once every two weeks and someone else blogs twice a week, who between the two of you will attract more readers quickly?
Certainly, it is the person who blogs twice a week. Some readers are voracious. They�ll read everything there is to read and if you don�t publish new or fresh content then they�ll look for someone who keeps up with their appetite for reading. Anyway, the predominant point here is that you stand a better chance of building a community of readers and succeeding in attraction marketing if you blog consistently.
Consistency Makes You Credible
In his Book, �Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion�, Robert B, Cialdini states that someone who is not consistent could be misconstrued as �fickle, uncertain, pliant, unstable, and scatterbrained�, on the other hand, someone who is consistent is viewed as �assured, trustworthy, and sound.
The same thing also applies to blogging. Consistency and commitment are two key factors that determine blog success. From a psychological point of view, consistency makes your readers and audience get accustomed to your blogging style and content. Once readers develop a good impression about your blog, they will come to see you as a credible blogger whom they can always trust and look up to for inspiration and guidance on niche or industry related issues.
Consistency Increases Brand Strength
You may have never given it much thought, but do you also know that consistency builds the strength of your brand? The way you communicate and present your brand messages increases your influence and brand strength. However, many people define blogging success in terms of readership, online lead generation, and subsequent sales and revenue and so they miss out on brand strength.
When you blog consistently, you create the impression that you brand or business is here to stay. This induces brand loyalty and improves your network marketing influence and reach. Readers and customers don�t want to jump from brand to brand, but if you�re not consistent, then you�ll give them the impetus to leave you and engage another business or brand. So, you have to keep the flame of consistency burning so that you brand can appeal to new readers and remain relevant to existing readers.
Consistency Makes You Stick to Your Purpose
Though many people want to achieve blogging success, many don�t have the consistency to help them fulfill their purpose and achieve their goals. Unfortunately, many people forget their purpose when their blogs start receiving massive traffic. When this happens, they change their purpose and shift focus to something else. They get all over the place talking about subjects or issues that don�t even relate to their niche or industries.
Surely, you don�t have to talk about personal life or what went down in the hood, or other innuendos. Deviating will make you look unprofessional to your readership. So, no matter what happens, you�ve got to stick to your purpose and be consistent. If you remain true to your purpose, you will remain relevant to your reader. Remember, blogging success doesn�t just come by increasing your readership, rather it comes when you stick to your original purpose.
You can only grow your blog and increase your internet marketing influence as a niche leader when you blog consistently. However, blogging success doesn�t come overnight. It takes effort, dedication, and consistency to succeed with your blog. You only need to maintain consistency in purpose, brand image, and brand promotion through content marketing and social media marketing. When you do this, you will increase your influence and remain relevant to the existing readers.
Let me know how you have been blogging and some of the things you have been doing consistently so as to achieve blogging success.