Best Chatting Application for Android
eBuddy XMS:
eBuddy Messenger is even the very popular Social Media Chat application and this eBuddy XMS not only just a chat application but you can even share Photos, video and emoticon. The XMS allows you to stay connected with friends, family and other who are in your contact list.
ChatPlus is an Android chatting service which allows you to chat with your friends easier and more enjoyably in various way. By fast and correct push notification, you can exchange not only text messages but also photos,videos and voice, locations and handwrites without having to pay for that. And also ChatPlus supports a language translation and posting to Twitter and Facebook. In addition, ChatPlus provides a group chat and mass broadcast.
GroupMe allows you to manage Groups and add your contacts from Social Media too. In Group me you can send and receive messages using your data connection and in case if you have a poor connection, the app can switch you to SMS so you�ll never miss a message. The Location System in GroupMe is unique and it will show you all member�s who resides on Group on Map, Great !
ChatOn App from Samsung is giving a strong competition to WhatsApp because of it�s Manufacturer and obviously cause of it�s features too. You can chat to your Buddies via personal chat or group chat and can easily share the Pictures, Videos and other Multimedia Formats. You can view all share of multimedia content on ChatOn through one simple option called Trunk.
Viber is an application for that lets you make free phone calls to anyone that also has the application installed. When you use Viber, calls and text messages to any other Viber user are free, and the sound quality is much better than a regular call. You can call or text any Viber user, anywhere in the world, for free. All Viber features are 100% FREE and do not require any additional �in application� purchase.