Warrior by Marie Brennan
I immediately sought out more Marie Brennan books as soon as I finished A Natural History of Dragons (LOVE) and Warrior topped my list of "Want To Read." The blurb described it as basically two doppelgangers, one a witch and the other an assassin, living in a world where There Can Be Only One and so they need to try to kill each other. Awesome!
The book was good, but not as epically awesome as I was expecting based on that premise. The characters were likable, but flat. The action was promising, but never delivered any truly pulse pounding scenes. There was no romance, which is fine, but also a letdown. The world building was fascinating, though, and my favorite part by far.
This is the first book in a duology, but it ends pretty well as a standalone. I like where things ended here and I'm content to leave it at that.
Rating: 3 out of 5

All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
I DNF-ed this one at the 120 page mark and just barely had to hold back from tossing it across the room. The opening chapter was gripping and I had SUCH high hopes, but it was a downhill crash from there. Stereotypical characters abound and I am SO TIRED of authors who rely on shallow tropes. The time travel explanations were mushy at best, but I could let that slide. What I couldn't let slide was the tiresome, repetitive stupidity of the main character. The final straw was the author's "twists" that were at best amateurish and at worst almost insultingly obvious.
Rating: DNF
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