Last week, Google has penalized the French link exchange program Buzzea - ??and announced a similar action for Germany. Meanwhile, there is assumption that it could meet network in Germany.
Google's spam sheriff Matt Cutts yesterday warn German Webmasters that a link penalty threatening for them.
German Webmaster blog shared that Google give penalties by reserving the right for unnatural links. They have also given a guideline if your website slapped by Google for unnatural links then how you can submit reconsideration request.
In addition, German Webmaster blog published that, to participate in link exchange programs for the purposes of selling links that pass PageRank to distort their search results is against Google guidelines (link exchange programs).
- Matt cutts spotted the issue and tweeted on his official twitter profile
A reminder (in German) that paid links that pass PageRank violate our guidelines
We can consider this as a significant warning for German webmasters those are participating in link networks.
Google lists the following characteristics for link exchange programs:
- Buying or selling links that pass PageRank.
- Excessive or link exchange partner sites for the sole purpose of reciprocal linking
- Article marketing on a large scale or posting campaigns as a guest anchor text links that contain many keywords
- Use of automated programs or services to create links to your website