How to Secure Your Facebook Account for 100% - 2014.

Hello everyone, Today  is back with a great post about How to secure your Facebook Account for 100%. I bet, if you follow all the below steps for how to secure facebook account, then no one can hack your facebook account.

I always use to tell my personal quote to my friends,
" Dont blame the Hacker who hacked your facebook account. Instead, Blame your innocence for getting hacked " 
Yes, its true. A hacker can only hack your facebook account if you are a innocent guy. If you have a basic idea about what is hacking and if you follow all the security tips for your account then you will  always be secured. Well, Coming to the topic,

Steps for Securing Facebook Account :
1. Update Password :

The Primary step of how to secure your facebook account is Updating your password for every 1-2 weeksNever keep your facebook password in a easy predicatble way which can be guessed by your surrounding people like keeping your nickname or birthdate or your Girl friend/Boy friend`s name etc. I suggest you to have a strong password of mixed alphabets, numbers, symbols containing more than 10digits like john+1298smith or 1298smith*john

And I also like to share one important tip with you is not to have the same password for your Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo becoz if anyone knows that your facebook password is same as your Mail password he will also login to your gmail/yahoo and reads all your personal emails. 
You must also know that If someone hacks your facebook password and gain access to your account then you can get back your facebook account by using the recovery option which is connected to your Gmail/Yahoo but what if you keep the same password for your Mail account as Fb?
 The hacker will simply change the Mail account password and now you will loose the recovery option as where you will loose your permanent access to your fb account. So thats why I am suggesting you to have a different strong passwords for all of your different accounts.

Facebook - General Account Settings  

2. Email:

One of the important step for how to secure facebook account is Adding Secondary Email ID to your facebook account. This will helps you when your profile is hacked, Fb will send account recovery information to the secondary email ID also. So I suggest everyone to add your secondary email id.
To add secondary email Id to your Facebook account, Click Here.

Adding Secondary Email ID to your facebook account-secure facebook account
So when you add Seconday Email Id, Facebook will ask for Email Confirmation which means you have to to verify the email address by checking the mail at your respective Email Inbox .

3. Connecting your Mobile number to Facebook Account :     
Connecting your personal mobile number to your facebook account
really helps a lot to secure your facebook acount like when anyone hacks your fb account, you will be able to recover your lost account 
by mobile easily or if your facebook account was tempararirly locked you can gain access to it by confirming it with your connected mobile number.
So I suggest everyone to connect their mobile no to their fb account. To connect Click Here 

Follow all the steps there by providing country name, carrier and verify your mobile number.

Note: You must notice that for each facebook account, A unique mobile no must be provided which means no two Fb accounts can have a same mobile no.

  Facebook - Security Settings
4. Secure Browsing :

This plays a crucial role to secure facebook account. Make sure that the secure browsing is always enabled in your facebook acount. If not, Click Here to enable secure browsing for your facebook account.

By enabling this secure browsing, you will be browsing your facebook account in a secure connection [https] which helps you to keep your account safe from spammers, viruses and hackers.

5. Login Notifications :   

Login notifications will helps you to get notified when someone else is trying to access your account. It means when anyone is trying to access your fb account from a computer or mobile that you haven`t used before then facebook will notify you by sending a message to your Email inbox , Mobile inbox.
So to Enable Login notifications to your facebook account, Click Here. 

 Enable both Email and Text message option so that whenever you are away from Computer you will be notified by your mobile atleast.

Code Generator :

You can use this Code Generator in your facebook mobile app to reset your password or to generate Login Approvals security codes.
You can enable this feature on your  android mobile or iOS.
Code-Generator-Security-Settings-secure facebook account
To enable Code generator on your mobile, follow the instructions  as given in the official help center page of facebook by Clicking Here .

6. Trusted Contacts :

Trusted contacts are friends that can securely help you if you ever have trouble accessing your account. Earlier I wrote a clear post about how to enable trusted contacts to your facebook account to get secured and how it will help you to get access to your facebook account when you lost your facebook account. So I recommend you to please check this post,

Trusted-Contacts-Security-Settings-secure facebook-account

Also have a look at the below new security features for your facebook account,

7. Trusted Browsers :

By this Trusted browsers feature, You can check which browsers you saved as ones you often use.

One thing I should remind you here is facebook asks you to Save Browser when you login. So always save the browser of which you often use in either your home or any trusted place. Why I`m telling you this is because when any suspicious activity is found or any hacker trying to access your account from somewhere else, Facebook will make your account to get Temporarily locked. So now facebook will ask the owner of that particular account to get logged in from the previous browser which you often use. It means your Trusted browser will helps you to unlock your facebook account at that time.

8. Where You're Logged In :

The feature Where You're Logged In  helps you to review and manage where you're currently logged into facebook. It shows two  sessions - Current Session and Last Accessed Session.

This feature helps a lot. When our account gets hacked and If we want to know the location from which our fb account was last accessed, you can check it by this feature Where You're Logged In .
You can also get the Estimated Ip address of that hacker by placing the mouse over Location as I shown in the above picture.

All the above steps will protect you for a major extent but you should be careful from hackers who trolls you by phishing pages, keyloggers. You should be careful and never click any suspicious links. Just spend some time over Google,Youtube by seacrching about how phishing , keyloggers works and how to stay safe from them.

Some more Personal Tips for you to Secure facebook Account :

  1. Never give out your login info to any other Third party sites, Sometimes some people or pages will promise you something like free facebook likes , free followers , free poker chips etc etc. These types of deals are carried out by hackers. so you must  stay away from them. If you're ever asked to re-enter your  password on Facebook (ex: you're making changes to your account settings) check to make sure the address of the page still has in the URL.                                     
  2. Think before you click on any link. Never click suspicious links, even if they come from a friend or a company you know. This includes links sent on Facebook (ex: in a chat or post) or in emails. If one of your friends clicks on spam they could accidentally send you that spam or tag you in a spammy post. You also shouldn't download things (ex: a .exe file) if you aren�t sure what they are. Learn more about recognizing suspicious emails by Clicking Here.
  3. Log in at only. Sometimes scammers will set up a fake page to look like a Facebook login page [Phishing], hoping to get you to enter your email address and password. Make sure that you check the page's URL (web address) before you enter your login info. When in doubt, you can always type into your browser to get back to the real Facebook.
  4. Update your browser always. The newest versions of internet browsers have built in security protections. For example, they might be able to warn you if you're about to go to a suspected phishing site. 
  5. Run good anti-virus software to protect yourself from viruses and malware. 
I hope this post will be helpful for you to gain some good knowledge over facebook. If you have any doubts or any issues regarding how to secure facebook account then please leave your questions in the below comment box or if you have any personal questions, you can message me to our Facebook Page - All-coder.

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