For running a Blog correctly we should set the TimeZone on Google Blogger�s Blog. If you don�t set the TimeZone then your readers will be confused about the posting time and date. There are 98% Blogger Template display Article or content Posting time below post title on Homepage and content page. And If you don�t set the TimeZone then it will display wrong information about posts. Suppose you are making post on 23th February2014 but your TimeZone is not set then your posting time will display different date and time instead of correct one.
Beside of this if you planning to make schedule post then setting up TimeZone is very import. Because if yourTimeZone setting is not correct then it won�t publish your scheduled time. For example, You have scheduled a post for 22nd day of the month at 6 A.M but if your TimeZone set in different zone then your post won�t publish on your scheduled time.
So for setting TimeZone on Google Blogger�s Blog follow the simple steps
Step 1 Go to and sign in to your account
Step 2 Now under Blogger Dashboardclick on ->Settings ->Language and formatting
Step 3 Under Formattingoption set the TimeZone by selecting your City. By clicking on DropDown option you would find your city easily. Though I am from Bangladesh so I have Chosen Dhaka (Capital of Bangladesh) and GMT+06.
Step 4 From Date Header Format alter Date Header Format by clicking on DropDown option.
Step 5 Similarly change the Timestamp Format and Comment Timestamp Format by clicking on DropDown option.
Step 6 Finally click on Save Settings button from top right corner of the page.
Congratulation you have successfully changed your TimeZone. Now your Blog Posting time will display accurately.