A Screaming Comes Across the Sky: Google vs. the Counterforce

In the months since protests began against the shuttles used by tech companies, Google�s voice has been largely silent.In late November, The New Yorker published a long feature article about Google�s quest to build a driverless car, focusing on Anthony Levandowski, the engineer running the project. At 33, the article noted, Mr. Levandowski still looked like a high school science geek. �He wants to fix the world and make a fortune doing it,� Burkhard Bilger wrote.
High school students have only their dreams. Mr. Levandowski has the resources of one of the world�s richest and most ambitious companies. Sergey Brin, the Google co-founder, underlined the point: �We want to fundamentally change the world with this.�
The idea that a bunch of extremely secretive � Mr. Bilger noted it took two years for Google to agree to provide him access for his article � extremely wealthy and extremely smart people are intent on remaking your life can be unsettling, especially when those people keep reminding you it�s for your own good. Neither Google nor Mr. Levandowski showed much awareness of this anywhere in the article.
Nor was there even a nod that the Street View mapping project � the crucial precursor to the self-driving car effort � employed a rogue engineer who casually downloaded data from people�s computers as the Google cars drove past. His actions set off worldwide outrage, but Google went from denying it had done anything, to minimizing it, to calling it ancient history without ever quite coming clean.
Mr. Levandowski was in the news more recently when a group of protesters showed up one morning in front of his East Bay house, which he had shown off in the article. The protesters called themselves the Counterforce, after the last section of Thomas Pynchon�s epic �Gravity�s Rainbow.� The name was perfectly chosen: The Counterforce is an alliance of misfits against the depredations of technology.
Siva Vaidhyanathan�s 2011 book �The Googlization of Everything (And Why We Should Worry)� was a prescient look at issues of control and agenda-setting in the tech industry that are now coming to the fore. The Counterforce demonstration, and the protests against the shuttles used by Google and other tech companies to ferry their employees from San Francisco to their Silicon Valley campuses, are, he says, warnings for Google:
�We�ve been perfectly happy to let Google be the benevolent dictator of our web experience. It has made the web pleasant and usable as well as navigable, making things like malware and pornography less obvious. We should be happy with Google becoming the operating system of our phones as well. But now it is striving to become the operating system of our lives.
�It is interested in tracking, monitoring and monetizing everything we do, online and offline, with our cars and eyeglasses and thermostats. Are you surprised a lot of people are resisting that vision? It�s a tremendous amount of control by one company.�
Mr. Vaidhyanathan�s advice for Google: �Forget this almost robotic tone you�ve used when dealing with confrontations. Step down and be part of the community. Be better at listening. The worst thing you can do is pretend you live in the cloud.�
In the months since the bus protests began, Google�s voice has been largely silent. Asked about assertions like Mr. Vaidhyanathan�s that Google needs to respond to the unrest, a spokeswoman said the company �strives to be a good neighbor in the communities where we work and live.�
�Since 2011 we have volunteered thousands of hours with local organizations and gave $60 million to Bay Area nonprofits,� she said. �We look forward to doing more.�
Google declined further comment. It hopes the whole conflagration will blow over. But even some Google people think otherwise.
�The technology industries around Silicon Valley have had a remarkable run in building support among the general public for our innovations,� Danny Crichton, a former Google engineer, wrote on Techcrunch. �That tide has permanently turned.�
Mr. Pynchon foresaw a different fate. In �Gravity�s Rainbow,� the Counterforce is destroyed by a V-2 rocket strike, the crowning achievement of the very technology the renegades are worried about.

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