Twitter is the second largest social media networking site in net and the co-founder of twitter is Biz Stone. He has recently launched a social search application name Jelly for mobile iOS and Android. If you have any question then someone knows the answer.
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone and former Twitter colleague Ben Finkel combinedly launched Jelly. This is a social search app that will use social networks to deliver the search results.
Mr. Biz Stone says in a video about Jelly. The app is emphasis on visuals and encourage users to post photos and ask questions if they have about the photo.
Jelly is designed to search the query of social networks � and what goes, around comes around. By this app you can get your desired question's answer as well as asking question. You can easily connect Jelly with your Facebook and Twitter accounts, so users of those social networking site able to answer of questions.
This app aims to benefit users from mobile Smartphone's and the social networks. And it will help to personalize your search experience. The main inspiration came from Quora which is a popular community-based question-and-answer site, Google and Bing.
Search engines getting more social. The most popular social networking site Facebook is using their own search tool, called Graph Search. Graph search answer people�s questions based on information about their friends. On the other hand, Microsoft�s Bing search engine already integrate data from Facebook and Twitter into their search results to give users more context.
The giant search engine Google offers Goggles search tool on Smartphone devices, which aims to answer questions based on uploaded photos. So now the question is what's new Jelly can bring for us?
We are assuming that Jelly will bring more specific and playful search result without any limitations. It's founders said about other existing search algorithm that:
�Getting answers from people is very different from retrieving information with algorithms,�
According to founder of Jelly it will connect humanity like never before. And people will connected in social network for helping each other.
Images are the main thing of Jelly's search engine and you can add depth and context to any question, crop, reframe, zoom and draw on your own images to get more specification.
Twitter's founder Biz Stone is planned as Jelly�s co-founder and CEO alongside Ben Finkel is co-founder and CTO. Mr. Ben Finkel worked for Twitter supervision of new user experience on the social network�s growth team as well as in a Q&A service name Fluther.
Hope we will give a try this new application to get a new experience.