Ace Metrix popular as television and video advertising analytics . And they have selected Google for Brand of year award for 2013. Google has win this award under Software and Websites category "Brand of the Year" and the "Ad of the Year" from Ace Metrix. Google's 90-second "Here's to 2013" was most inspiring look at the events of 2013 through the lens of Google Search.
Google's Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt was very happy and said-
Hell would freeze over before the company advertised on television.
Beside of this Ace Metrix has also awarded other 19 brands under most competitive categories of 2013.
Actually the Ace Matrix give score within the different categories based on national television advertisement.
Ace Metrix CEO Peter Daboll said about Google-
"Their achievements over the last 12 months are a testament to Google's ability to personalize technology and create an emotional connection to simple tasks such as search. In the process, Google's television advertising reminds us that their technology doesn't just connect us to the world around us; it makes us feel more a part of it."
Ad of the Year: Google Zeitgeist | "Here's to 2013" can be view from the below video-
Google's was the king on scoring under "Here's to 2013" (Ace Score of 663) which was completely excellent performance all other ads in its category by 46%.
After first appearance on December 25, 2013 Christmas day that ad has viewed by 27 million viewer on YouTube, and according to Unruly�s Viral Video chart, this ad was shared 189,699 times.
Ace Metrix claims that the actual ad's score more than 6,400 ads from over 1,200 brands during last year. In competition all the brand was new except "citing Liberty Mutual" because they was also participated in 2012 for the �Brands of the Year� and returned in winner's list in year 2013.
There are almost 750 brands competed for 20 category titles, from over 5,000 creative execution. In the last year, Ace Metrix scored more than 6,400 ads from over 1,200 brands. Liberty Mutual was the only brand to return to the winner's list from 2012.
Brands of the Year, 2013 � Listed Alphabetically by Category
According to Ace Metrix, they have used Persuasion metric and Watchability metric for measurement of an ad�s overall effectiveness.
The Persuasion metric evaluates an ad by some factors. Those are as follows-
- Desire
- Relevance
- Information
- Attention
- Change
- Likeability
However the Watchability metric measure an ad�s ability by �To attract a viewer�s interest in watching the ad voluntarily.�