As a giant search engine Google is familiar to all of us and they are improving the search experience time to time. For this reason constantly Google adding new features on their search engine.
Google formally has announced about a Knowledge Graph Popup that has added intotheir Search Results but still it is running for testing purpose. Those who often make search for more credible information this will tailor them for enhancing their knowledge. Because this popup search result will contain more information from most recognized and distinguished sources. It seems to us pretty cool.
From Google�s Bart Niechwiejhas written about Knowledge Graph Popupin a blog post that-
�You�ll see this extra information when a site is widely recognized as notable online, when there is enough information to show or when the content may be handy for you,�
This Knowledge Graph Popup is heavily dependable onWikipedia information which is most popular and reliable free encyclopedia and it will display the source name after end of the search result. Also source name is clickable and after clicking on there a small popup window will appear with more information.
You can see the below image that how a popup window appear with source information-
The effect of this knowledge graph popup
Though Google has decided to integrate this feature on their search engine so this has already rollout for searchers. But its effect will not positively goes on favor of site owner. Because whenever visitor make search query then they will get the result from Wikipedia or some other notable site instead of general blog or website. For this reason site owner will lose traffic and their rank will drop dramatically.
So if this new search feature becomes popular with searchers then most of the cases site owner or original content writer won�t able to divert traffic into their website. Consequently new blogger or site owner won�t feel interest for blogging or content writing. Beside of this Google Page Rank and Alexa rank also greatly affects. There are many website build for generating revenue from advertisement but they are too unable to generate revenue from their blog because their site or content link on get place at the top of search engine result pages.
However Google�s motive to give better search experience to users to expand their knowledge but they should think about mass blogger and site owner and should find an alternative way to improve this feature without affecting any party.