Recently Google and Bing become agree that newer sites overtake older sites by providing a better user experience. If you are a site owner and running your site for many years and already got higher page rank, it doesn�t mean that you will always on top position in Search engine result pages.
Both Google�s Matt cutts and Bing's Duane Forrester concluded and agreed with this matter. According to Matt Cutts older site may fail to hold their rank due to lack of fresh and regular updates.
Some webmaster become satisfy with their site performance and often pay no attention to make new post and fresh post regularly. And this can be the reason your popular site lose place on higher SERPs. For this reason popular site will become outdated where searcher will divert towards newer site and by providing exclusive content can hold position in SERPs.
What Google's Matt Cutts opinion about newer and older site?
According to Matt cuts a site with same looks (design and layout) for the years to years without any changes visitors many consider it as sort of stale older site. Ultimately user won�t happy to see it again and again.
Eliasseo from New York asked a question to Google Matt Cutts that
I have been in business for over 14 years with my domain, and see much newer domains passing me. Any algorithms to protect older domains/sites in business from newer sites with more spam?
Google�s Matt Cutts said.
"I wouldn't just say 'I'm number one for now and everything is great' because newer sites, more agile sites, more hungry sites, more sites that have a better user experience, they can grow and they can eclipse you if you don't continue to adapt and evolve and move with the times,"
Beside of this he has seen many newer site obtain top position from popular higher rank site, because they are publishing and updating sites according to visitor�s expectation.
"Are you still providing the best user experience?" Cutts said. "If something is not as fresh as some of the experiences that you get from some of these newer websites, that can have fantastic design, then eventually people might prefer that experience and up migrating and leaving you behind."
Now the question may arise why newer site overtakingolder sites? There may different reason probably regular unique post update, beautiful layout, responsive design etc. Older site may worried about new design and layout, because they may think the changes can drop their traffic, rank and affect other factors.
For more details discover information from Matts Cutts released video-
What Bing's Duane Forrester opinion about newer and older site
Microsoft Bing's manager Duane Forrester also recently published a blog post and said there
��while a website may have had great success with SEO in the past, there's no guarantee that will continue indefinitely for any website.��
In addition if you are just stick to your old strategy like, sharing post on social media, Paid link, depending on SEO service, email promotion which are a recipe of disaster. Because for the time being SEO rules changing and webmaster always have to cope with latest SEO rules.
In case of business site they often shocked when any SEO rules changes and they lose traffic drastically. Rather business site should focus on new changes and try to find out the way to handle the changes skillfully.
For the time being visitors search habit has changed significantly and they are expecting different thing but your site producing and publishing dissimilar one. Eventually zillions of site losing traffic.
Ultimately Google and Bing concluded that not any single thing will guarantee that a website with higher rank and traffic can hold position forever in Google or Bing search engine.
In conclusion, Search engine optimization is a variable thing, it will harm for your site if you hold stale SEO rules for further journey. Everything is evolving over the net so webmaster must develop and adopt new thing to get higher position in Search engine result pages. So now it�s clear to us that newer sites able to overtake older sites by providing a better user experience.