Expedia lost visibility on search engine by 25 percent


After Google Hummingbird algorithm zillions of blog and website has affected. Mostly visibility on search engine drastically decreased. No matter how popular your site anyhow Google will penalize if your site violate Google quality guideline.

Travel lover familiar with Expedia website. Whenever we search anything travel and tourism Expedia found on top of the Search Engine Result Pages. But unfortunately Expedia lost 25% search visibility on search engine according to search matrix. What can be the reason for that it was not clear to them. Nonetheless discovered that for the rapid cumulative number of unnatural link Expedia penalized by Google. Expedia few month ago has bought paid link and that may be the cause of penalty.

On 20th January, 2014 Patrick Altoft shared this news on twitter. In addition from search matrix Marcus Tober also given a search statistic of Expedia site where their search ranking dropped for most of their generic keywords. You can understand from below statistical data

search data

Expedia site�s specific keywords search dramatically fall. Those generic keywords was like airline tickets, hotels, vacation, car rentals etc. keywords. You can also see the keyword based trend drop in the past day:


What type of Penalty was that?

Expedia got huge unusual keyword rich links from various blog and website. But it doesn�t indicate that Expedia has participated in paid links.

About this matter Google�s head of search spam Matt Cutts said that they would discover the reason of penalty.

However yesterday 21st January 2014 both Google and Expedia remain silent. They have told Expedia will not be commenting on this story.

On the other hand Google has told that they typically don�t comment on specific companies regarding search rankings.

This news is really a serious matter and warning to others those who are planning to participate in paid link and those who already participated.  This is time to be careful otherwise your site may be penalize soon and ultimately you will lose traffic, rank, search engine visibility. In addition don�t add unusual keyword to make your blog and website keyword rich to get higher rank in Search Engine Result Pages.

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