Everybody get busy for gaining higher rank on Google Search Engine but there are second largest integrated search engine Bing/yahoo nobody can ignore. If you are receiving traffic from Google then by giving some extra effort you can get traffic from Bing also. Many SEO specialist talked about Bing SEO where there is a good chance to divert a big chunk of traffic but major webmaster ignore this search engine. So why don�t you try that? We can easily grab this chance to increase our blog or website page view.
If you compare Bing with Google then obviously Google is in leading position but content optimizing for Bing search engine is not a useless idea. We are now in 2014 and Bing has added many features in their webmaster tools for better service. And hopefully this year it will rapidly improve and get ready to beat giant search engine like Google. We know this is late for Bing but this is really a good news for webmaster that they can increase their web traffic from Bing search engine too.
Bing search engine is recently added some features which is incredibly similar to Google SEO. Bing�s main focus on site back link and websites authority. But website weight counting method is different than Google. I am going to explain how Bing work for a site.
Link Indexing
Bing search engine is straight forward and easier than Google�s. However Google index page rapidly but Bing take time for indexing a link. We know Bing is a spam free search engine so it is more aware about link. So when Bing think that the link is safe only then go for indexing. But you can take a manual step for indexing your post link rapidly. Bing index 50 links per month after manual submission but maximum 10 link per day. So after publishing a post submit the link manually on Bing webmaster tools. And publish posts regularly.
Flash Based Website Content
Most of the search engine don�t like flash based website but in this case Bing is more liberal. Bing can easily read Flash based website and give rank on SERP (Search Engine Result Page). So in this phase Bing is in forward than Google.
Anchor Text
We know anchor text is work best on Google. Anchor text means article headline and the body of text similar. And backlink on anchor text in article body is most important for Bing. Bing consider this link seriously for higher rank. Those site has got this type of huge backlink Bing always keep those site on higher position in SERP.
Page Authority
Page authority factor work similarly on both Bing and Google. Those factors are PageRank and authority Top-Level Domains (TLDs). However Google�s first thought PageRank and after that it treat authority of Top-Level Domains (TLDs) assecond thought. But in case of Bing it is little different. Because Bing is not giving any page rank directly so it emphasize on competitive keywords. If your blog got PR2 or PR4 it doesn�t matter for Bing but if you can use competitive keyword wisely then your link will be in higher position on SERP.
Top-Level Domains (TLDs) authority mostly acceptable from .gov, .edu and ac.uk websites. So for getting the best rankings you should try to obtain backlinks from Government and Educational websites.
Number of Backlinks
No doubt Google consider quality backlink for higher rank that means more backlink means more rank in Google. But this scenario is different in Bing search engine. Because Bing only take into account is you have used competitive keywords. Beside of this Bing give value to higher authority backlinks not the number of backlinks only. This means if you have backlinks form quality site then Bing will bring you in top.
Another type of backlink Bing love much those are backlinks from social media site and forums. So by obtaining backlinks from those sites you can get higher rank.
On-Page SEO
On Page SEO means optimization your posts body. Now most search engine crawl posts body text. So you must be aware about text body. Many blogger use too much keywords on post body which often get penalty from Google. However Bing is more liberal in case of keywords use. But don�t use too much keywords then Bing also may treat your post as spam and won�t index your blog post link. Keep 1%-2% keyword density for better understanding your posts by Bing search engine.
- Other thing is Meta Keywords and Description which work like charm in Google SEO but Bing doesn�t consider those for ranking so don�t spend much time. But for Google Search Engine you must use those Meta Keywords and Description.
- Page speed also a biggest factor for better Bing SEO. You must keep your site faster for higher rank. You can increase your website loading speed by reducing number of image, Java Script files.
Bing engineers give suggestion about webpage size that you should:
"Limit all pages to a reasonable size" and �a page with no pictures should be under 150 kb."
There are limited number of webmaster try for Bing SEO but still we have a chance to increase our website traffic from Bing Search Engine. Try to follow the above SEO tips to get higher page rank on Bing Search Engine and to get your website in the highest possible position.
What do you think about the about Bing SEO? Don�t forget to share with us.