There is a hot news that Bing Launches Awards Site In Time For Golden Globes, Grammy�s & The Oscars. 6th January 2014 reveal that news. And the award season including Golden Globes, the Grammy�s and the Oscars. Bing said that this site will serve as the ultimate online resource center about �all things awards�. This is really awesome. Every artist wants to get rewards for their hard work and bing made a pathway to get award by the peoples choice.
Beside of this the background information of nominees, all kinds of ideas and tips for award Golden Globes viewing party, and winner predictions will be based on Bing search statistics. That means people will search the actors and actress and the whose name will be highest in search query s/he will be nominate for award in his category. Bing has dedicated the site on 6th January 2014 Sunday�s Golden Globes scheduled to air at 8:00 p.m. EST on NBC.
Bing capturing 90% of all the searches among Best Supporting Actor nominees in December. I think this is really interesting to see how well search numbers predict this year�s first award winners.
Bing is not only packed in on actors and actress for award but also the award will be for some most popular category (e.g. Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor).
This year 2 hyped movies American Hustle and The Wolf Of Wall Street are in leading position on Bing searches and selected for nominated movies. American Hustle mostly searched by visitors, however The Wolf Of Wall Streettaking was in second position. Cooper�s nomination for Golden Globe�s Best Supporting Actor in American Hustle movie.
Bing is really doing well and this is a big news for Hollywood movie industry. Because now actor and actress, Best movies will rewarded for their creative work. It just open a new door for giving reorganization.