?a??sp??a st??? a?a???ste? t?? bloggertips.gr.
S?�e?a ?a sa? de??? p?? �p??e?te ?a "�????sete" ?at? ??p???? t??p? t?? �??a??? a?a??t?s?? (p.?. Google, Bing) ?ts? ?ste ?a �??s???? �e �e?a??te?? ep?t???a t? blog sa? st?? a?a??t?se?? t???, "f?????ta?" ?a? a?t?? �e t? se??? t??? ????? ep?s??pte?.
??t? ?a t? pet????�e �?s? HTML, ???s?�?p????ta? meta tags.
?a?a??t? ?a de?te t? d?ad??as?a ?a? ?a ?ata??�ete pe??ss?te?a:
1. S??des? st? ???a??as�? blogger
2. S?ed?as?
3. ?pe?e??as?a HTML
4. ?e Ctrl + F a?a??t??�e t? <head> ?a? �et? ap? a?t?, d??ad? a???�?? ap? ??t? ep???????�e ta pa?a??t?:
5. ???sa?�????�e t?? ??d??a sta d??? �a? ded?�??a, d??ad?:
t? "DESCRIPTION HERE" �e �?a pe????af? t?? blog �a?
t? "KEYWORDS HERE" �e ???e??-??e?d?? p?? e??a? p??a?? ?a "t?a�?????" ep?s??pte? ?a? s?et????ta?, f?s???, �e t? pe??e??�e?? t?? blog �a?
t? "AUTHOR NAME HERE" �e t? ???�a ? ta ???�ata a?t?? p?? ???f??? st? blog
?? p????�e ?? p???e??? pa??de??�a t? bloggertips.gr.
Ta p??sa?�??a�e t?? ??d??a ?ste ?a fa??eta? ??p?? ?ts?:
6. ?p????e?s? p??t?p??, e?�aste ?t??�??!
????�?ste t? ?a? pe?te �a? t? ???�? sa? ??a a?t? t? tip af????ta? t? s????? sa? ap? ??t?.
?????: http://zenplate.blogspot.com/
Copyrights: http://bloggertips.gr/
Post by Secra from Web in Greece
S?�e?a ?a sa? de??? p?? �p??e?te ?a "�????sete" ?at? ??p???? t??p? t?? �??a??? a?a??t?s?? (p.?. Google, Bing) ?ts? ?ste ?a �??s???? �e �e?a??te?? ep?t???a t? blog sa? st?? a?a??t?se?? t???, "f?????ta?" ?a? a?t?? �e t? se??? t??? ????? ep?s??pte?.
??t? ?a t? pet????�e �?s? HTML, ???s?�?p????ta? meta tags.
?a?a??t? ?a de?te t? d?ad??as?a ?a? ?a ?ata??�ete pe??ss?te?a:
1. S??des? st? ???a??as�? blogger
2. S?ed?as?
3. ?pe?e??as?a HTML
4. ?e Ctrl + F a?a??t??�e t? <head> ?a? �et? ap? a?t?, d??ad? a???�?? ap? ??t? ep???????�e ta pa?a??t?:
<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>
5. ???sa?�????�e t?? ??d??a sta d??? �a? ded?�??a, d??ad?:
t? "DESCRIPTION HERE" �e �?a pe????af? t?? blog �a?
t? "KEYWORDS HERE" �e ???e??-??e?d?? p?? e??a? p??a?? ?a "t?a�?????" ep?s??pte? ?a? s?et????ta?, f?s???, �e t? pe??e??�e?? t?? blog �a?
t? "AUTHOR NAME HERE" �e t? ???�a ? ta ???�ata a?t?? p?? ???f??? st? blog
?? p????�e ?? p???e??? pa??de??�a t? bloggertips.gr.
Ta p??sa?�??a�e t?? ??d??a ?ste ?a fa??eta? ??p?? ?ts?:
<meta content='Blog p?? as???e?ta? �e Web design - Web services - ?atas?e?? ???? ?st?se??d??' name='description'/>
<meta content='bloggertips, blogger tips and hacks, blogger gadgets, web design, web services, make money online' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Johnpatra' name='author'/>
<meta content='bloggertips, blogger tips and hacks, blogger gadgets, web design, web services, make money online' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Johnpatra' name='author'/>
6. ?p????e?s? p??t?p??, e?�aste ?t??�??!
????�?ste t? ?a? pe?te �a? t? ???�? sa? ??a a?t? t? tip af????ta? t? s????? sa? ap? ??t?.
?????: http://zenplate.blogspot.com/
Copyrights: http://bloggertips.gr/
Post by Secra from Web in Greece