Google�s Panda algorithm update, which launched two years ago, had an enormous impact on the SEO industry and online publishing as a whole.
As with any Google algo change, there are winners and losers in its search results. In part one of this series, we looked at thecurrent search visibility of some of Panda�s original losers and how they�ve fared since it rolled out.
But the impact on some of the sites that Panda hit goes well beyond rankings and search traffic. It�s forced some companies to change names, change business models, fire employees and even to go out of business altogether.
Here�s a look at what has happened to some of Panda�s losers over the past two years.
The Panda update caused �a massive loss of traffic and revenue,� according to HubPages� CEO Paul Edmonson (in an interview that we�ll publish tomorrow). According to data fromSearchMetrics, HubPages SEO visibility is currently 62 percent lower than it was before Panda.
This chart shows how badly Panda hit HubPages � it�s the orange-colored line.
(I�ll be referencing this chart again in the sections below on and
HubPages initially regained some of its visibility in the summer of 2011 when it started moving content to sub-domains. But that improvement has largely disappeared now.
Today, HubPages continues to operate with its user-generated content business model. Each author publishes on his/her own sub-domain. Edmonson says he�s optimistic about the site�s future, but as you�ll learn in tomorrow�s interview � and as the chart above suggests � the company is still searching for a long-term solution. �We know that there is a way forward, and we will find it,� Edmonson says.
As the chart above (in the HubPages section) shows, Panda hit Mahalo hard. Searchmetrics says Mahalo�s SEO visibility dropped 77 percent after Panda and things haven�t improved � it�s now 92 percent worse than pre-Panda.
Just a week after Panda launched, Mahalo founder Jason Calacanis said he�d be laying off 10 percent of employees due to �a significant dip in our traffic and revenue.� He also said Mahalo would pause and re-evaluate its content production, but wouldn�t cut back on video production. Indeed, Mahalo today appears to be heavily focused, if not exclusively, on videos for its �How To� and �Courses� sections.
UPDATE: Calacanis has provided an update on in the comments below:�As for we�ve sunset that brand and we�ve given up on an adsense ad-driven business model. We�ve worked hard on higher quality videos and apps with solid success�but not breakout.We�re going to launch a new product called in Q2/Q3 that requires 0% of exposure to search. We learned a LOT from the Panda update, and the #1 thing is have your own direct base of customers (like we did at my last company for Engadget, Autoblog, Joystiq, etc) and consider any search traffic as a gift that can come and go.�
Today, is in the process of changing its entire business model. Michael Kedda took over as CEO in January 2012 and quickly planned a new direction. In a November 2012 blog post, Kedda said the company had �worked hard to blow away the cynical, built-for-advertising, made-for-Googlebot content model� that the site had used for years:
The Suite101 we took over at the beginning of the year just didn�t make sense anymore. The brand had shed its purpose, swapping a commitment to quality and solidarity for an obsession with quantity and competition. The purpose of the site became strikingly single-minded: More. More of everything. Ads, click-throughs, keywords, SEO tricks, writers, content.Amplifying the problem was Suite�s incentive structure, which encouraged contributors to produce work targeted to search engine algorithms and advertising units, not readers. Straight from a 2009 tutorial for new members: �Structure your work so that the ads, not your words, satisfy the reader�s need.�
But Suite101 was still about a network of writers at that point.
It�s not anymore.
Just last week, Kedda updated the community of contributors on another new direction, saying Suite101 will �stop publishing what we today call �articles� and �channels�.� In the comments of his own post, Kedda says this will happen in the next 3-4 weeks and further explains that the change announced just a few months ago wasn�t enough:
Many writers continued to publish scores of articles with the primary purpose of earning revenue based on how well they perform � the very definition of a content farm.
Although the details of what�s coming aren�t clear, Suite101 is aiming to rebrand itself as �a new kind of social knowledgebase built around discussion, opinion, and passionate interests.�
Associated Content/Yahoo
Then, less than a year after Yahoo bought it, Panda happened.
Almost every winners/losers report after Panda included Associated Content on its losers list. Three weeks after Panda, the site had lost 76 percent of its visibility in Google�s search results, according to Searchmetrics data shared with us last week. Here�s the data I�m referring to � the same spreadsheet used in part one of this series yesterday.
Luke Beatty, the founder of Associated Content who became a Yahoo VP after the purchase, spoke at our SMX West conference just a couple weeks after Panda hit, and said that two-thirds of Associated Content�s articles were getting significantly less Google traffic.
Yahoo took drastic measures to fix things: It killed the Associated Content name and domain, rebranded the site as Yahoo Voices at and deleted more than 75,000 articles in the process.
Yahoo Voices is alive today, but it�s operating under stricter content guidelines than Associated Content had. Yahoo also launched the Contributor Academy, which promises to teach users �how to create top-notch Web content� and how to use �ethical, transparent content promotion� to attract visitors. Course names include SEO Basics and Writing Feature-Worthy Content for Yahoo! Sites.
In April 2011, about two months after Panda, New York Times CEO Janet Robinson confirmed during an earnings call that the site �experienced a moderately negative impact on page views from the algorithm changes Google implemented in the quarter.�
About 16 months later, in August 2012, the New York Times sold to IAC for $300 million � a fair chunk less than the $410 million that the Times paid for it in 2005. That Reuters article about the sale doesn�t specifically tie the sale to Panda, but it does say that �took a big hit� from Google�s changes and that the Times wrote down�s value by $195 million before selling it to IAC.