Traditional Knowledge, Natural Growth [Health]

Someone truly said, First Wealth is HEALTH. India is known for its traditions and traditional knowledge, which further describes that our body health is prepared by five key components earth, water, fire, air, space. And to build the appropriate balance in these components; an Ayurveda comes into picture. Most of the childhood days were spent in the bosom of nature, far from current amenities, far from the daily progressing race run and advanced healthcare. Ayurveda is prime achievement of India in field of medicine. Ayurveda is nothing but Indian native traditional medicine system. It is the traditional practice of healthcare in the entire world. Five thousand years ago, this traditional Ayurveda knowledge & is distributed vocally until it gets well written in prevalent texts like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and the Ashtanga Hrudaya.  The resulted phenomenon of Ayurveda affects five elements of body & helps our individual system to have balance for healthy and happy life.
Traditional Knowledge, Natural Growth
Traditional Knowledge, Natural Growth
The fundamental belief of Ayurveda is to prevent diseases for getting natural growth by balancing the relation between body, mind & surroundings. In modern culture & day to day fast-food lifestyle Ayurveda plays major roll as a healing system for building healthy lifestyle. The antique medical science of Ayurveda, which is suffering a renaissance at present-day, is maybe the most sophisticated and broad methodology to health care the world has recognized.

Traditional Knowledge, Natural Growth

In comparing of ayurvedic and chemically processed/synthetic products, it will be more important to understand ayurvedic methodology. This Vedic methodology is based on the mysteries of life, both spiritual & material employed by ancient rishis. This knowledge is formed by thoroughly understanding of life process and by analysing the medical values of plants & minerals and its done before the invention of microscopes and chemistry.

Ayurvedic methodology outline health measures starting from pre-conception, antenatal care for the mother and fetus, right through to childbirth, baby�s growth & his progress until youth.  Rather than chemically processed products which may causes side effects or harm reactions, vedic products are always mild & harmless. The ayurvedic medicine like Dashamoolrishta often used if children fall sick. When my brother had gas problem, my mother gives �hing�, furthermore, I always seen that my grandmother used to give �Keezharnalli� with root paste to whom suffering by jaundice. Dabur Chyawanprash is well known ayurvedic product & trusted health provider of a majority of Indian households helps to build energy, it has anti-oxidant properties & strengthens your body's internal defence mechanism, the immune system, thereby protecting you from everyday infections, cough, cold & stress etc. Anather example Dabur Lal tail, it�s an ayurvedic baby massage oil which helps to build strengthen baby bones & muscles and is proven safe, effective by research.  For better complexion, soft skin, and prevention of nappy rashes �Olive oil� is used in baby growth.

At the end, I would like to conclude that, ayurvedic & natural growth is one of the best methods to follow without any side effects, it provides wise guidance on how to adjust our modern lifestyle based on the surrounding changes. Comparing ayurvedic medicines and synthetic product it is clearly seen that the ayurvedic product & tradition is the mother of all medical disciplines including foreign medicines.