The SEO Case for Blogging in 2013 (With Stats)

If you�ve talked with a reputable SEO source before, and certainly if you�ve worked with us, you�ve probably heard the statement �blogging is helpful for SEO�.   It�s a recommendation we make to almost every client we work with, on a monthly basis.  Keep blogging whenever you can.  A few paragraphs once a week, once a month, once every couple of months�  you can do it!
But let�s face it, even though we�d all like to believe we can blog on a consistent basis, we�re all busy people - and blogging is just not something many of us would consider a top priority.  Even our team has to be intentional and disciplined in this area.
However, we see time and again that those who are able to stay the course, and battle through the busy schedules and writers� block, benefit tremendously. And as a bit of encouragement, we�re showcasing a real world success story of a client who has benefited tremendously from consistent, once-a-week blogging over the past year.
Blog Landing Page
  • Organic Blog Visits August 2012:  1,300
  • Organic Blog Visits August 2013:  3,200
This is an incredible improvement, and it�s likely to continue because of their strong dedication to blogging consistently.  In this particular scenario, new blog content is added once a week, and the writing is shared amongst 3 different blog authors.  Each author writes on average 1 to 2 new posts per month, making it manageable for everyone.