SEO Firm Offers Natural Link Building Services

There are so many companies out there that claim to offer natural link building services, which is an interesting type of service. Think about it for a minute. If your company offered something called �natural� link building services, then the links that you get to your website uh, well, would NOT be natural?
My definition of a natural link is one that you did not obtain by asking someone for a link�and you did not obtain that link because you hired an SEO firm to build those links for you.
This is exactly why I continue to be a strong believer in the Link Earning type of linking or link building service rather than �link building�. It�s a strong focus on the actual content: and using social media to get your content noticed. It�s then when you will truly obtain �natural� links.
I just had to laugh when I got an unsolicited email from someone named �Shane� who calls himself a �business development executive�. I have so many problem with this email below it�s amazing. Not to mention the fact that it was sent unsolicited, and I would first consider it to be spam. But first, take a look at it:
���- Forwarded message ���-
From: Shane Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 7:18 AM
Subject: Natural Link Building Services !!
To: Info@
I am Shane Business Development Executive.
I was on your website and observed that you are an online service provider. I was just wondering if you would be interested in outsourcing your campaigns to us. We would be happy to execute the same for you on a white level basis.
Why choose us?
The answer is simple! We provide very UNIQUE link building service. It�s not the same as what most SEO companies do:
Top 20 Benefits of Our Service:
1. Securing �unidirectional� (One-way) or only-Incoming (non-reciprocal) links
2. Links with relevant �Keywords� in the Anchor Text
3. Links from industry-relevant pages.
4. Links from industry specific article pages
5. Links for your Website should not be through a �redirect� script
6. No JavaScript links
7. No links from �framed� pages
8. No �flash� embedded links
9. No paid or time-bound links
10. No email spam used to solicit links.
11. No links from �Link Farms�
12. No links from FFA (Free-For-All) link networks
13. No links from Pornographic, Casino, Viagra and other sites containing offensive content
14. Full data sheet of links created at the end of each month
15. Only relevant established links are counted in the final report
16. No links text nude
17. No �no-follow� links
18. No more than 75 outgoing links
19. No links from blog, directory, forum posting.
20. All the links will be Google cached and indexed pages.
However, all these benefits leads to one goal: �Increase in Sales�.
Let me know your views and I would be happy to provide further details.
Kind Regards,
Business Development Executive
First off, I would NEVER do business with someone who sent a spam email to an �info@� type of email address on my website. I just wouldn�t. But that�s just me.
I wouldn�t call myself a �Business Development Executive�. We all know that he�s a sales guy. Well, now a sales guy that�s a spammer. But I digress.
�I was on your website and observed that you are an online service provider�� Really? The site it was sent to is a local geo-type blog. Think �cityname + blog� type of keywords for this site. He never visited the site. That�s a lie. I don�t hire liars, either.
�It�s not the same as what most SEO companies do�� really? The problem is that all the SEO firms out there claim and do exactly what this guy is claiming. All of those statements, I would hope, are followed by just about any other SEO firm claiming to do link building nowadays. So, what exactly is unique about what Shane�s SEO firm does that no other SEO firm does? Well, uh, he never says!
Who builds links from FFA (Free For All) sites now anyway? That�s Sooooooo, 1998 link building I�m amazed that it�s even a tactic listed here.
One more thing. What the heck is �No links text nude�. I mean really, I didn�t know that links could be nude.

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