dead seo guruLast month, there was an article on, in which the author, Ken Krogue, made the ridiculous assertion that SEO is dead. Of course, anytime that anyone writes anything about SEO, they will open themselves to attack by every SEO expert on the web (not to mention every not-so-expert SEO.)
Top SEO experts understand that SEO is a science. To declare a science dead, simply because you don�t understand the science, is very silly and somewhat irresponsible, especially coming from a journalist. A politician, yes. But not a journalist.
The author received a lot of comments from irritated scientists, which I understand. One person wrote: �While some of this is true, most of this is another non-SEO who does not understand SEO who did not talk to SEOs about how SEO really works declaring all SEO is evil and SEO is dead� *yawn* and *sigh*�
And from the people who just don�t understand the science, Ken received accolades: �Great peice Ken!� and �Finally these SEO hucksters will get their due��
Yes, some people even attacked professional SEO!  ::gasp!::
As someone who actually understands SEO, I know that Ken was dead wrong. But, maybe being right or wrong wasn�t Ken�s concern. I wonder if Ken was acting as a true journalist, or simply stirring the pot, to cause sensation. Causing a sensation is probably the best SEO you can have. After all, if Brittany Spears climbs, naked to the top of a water tower and flings feces at the people below her- I can promise you, if you search for �Brittany Spears� that afternoon, that story will be the first result in Google. Causing a sensation is good SEO.
Proving my point- while working on another project today, I searched for the phrase �SEO Guru� using Google. You know who is number 7, in the world, if you search for SEO guru? Ken Krogue of course.The guy who says SEO is dead.

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