Top SEO experts understand that SEO is a science. To declare a science dead, simply because you don�t understand the science, is very silly and somewhat irresponsible, especially coming from a journalist. A politician, yes. But not a journalist.
The author received a lot of comments from irritated scientists, which I understand. One person wrote: �While some of this is true, most of this is another non-SEO who does not understand SEO who did not talk to SEOs about how SEO really works declaring all SEO is evil and SEO is dead� *yawn* and *sigh*�
And from the people who just don�t understand the science, Ken received accolades: �Great peice Ken!� and �Finally these SEO hucksters will get their due��
Yes, some people even attacked professional SEO! ::gasp!::
As someone who actually understands SEO, I know that Ken was dead wrong. But, maybe being right or wrong wasn�t Ken�s concern. I wonder if Ken was acting as a true journalist, or simply stirring the pot, to cause sensation. Causing a sensation is probably the best SEO you can have. After all, if Brittany Spears climbs, naked to the top of a water tower and flings feces at the people below her- I can promise you, if you search for �Brittany Spears� that afternoon, that story will be the first result in Google. Causing a sensation is good SEO.
Proving my point- while working on another project today, I searched for the phrase �SEO Guru� using Google. You know who is number 7, in the world, if you search for SEO guru? Ken Krogue of course.The guy who says SEO is dead.