2013 SEO Trends Forecast� Give Your Site A New Life

2013 seoWith due respect to the panda updates, Google has released nearly thirteen updates in this year of 2012 alone. Some updates made a major impact by totally wiping the sites while some had a serene impact. If your site is one of the victims of the Google Panda and Penguin updates then this is for you�..
Google�s released updates have totally changed the old trends of SEO and its hi-time that new trends are adapted to get going.
If you are a webmaster looking forward to give new life to your site this New Year then it is recommended to follow the new trends of SEO to rank your site higher.

Off-Page Predictions

Initially, having faced many downs Google + emerged by leaps to the top overthrowing the big giants of social media like Facebook and twitter.  Since it drives majority of the search traffic it became essential for an entrepreneurs to establish their profile in this social media. Google+ is anticipated to be the top priority for search engine marketers in the upcoming year and expected to play a major role in Search Engine Optimization.
With the increasing number of pinterest.com users, it is receiving so many buzz and rising up the ladder. With no doubt, it is recognized as the right choice to enhance your business thereby driving traffics. The potential of Pinterest to enhance the online presence of website is a great perk to SEO. By applying proper pinterest tactics your business can gain huge traffic.
Press Releases
Search engine friendly press releases are expected to play a major role in increasing website traffic. Businesses that employ press releases in their seo strategy are gaining more and more credibility resulting in heavy traffic. It�s therefore not surprising that with press release going viral is easier than ever.
Instagram represents another breach in this fast budding and stimulating social media panorama. It is yet another practical platform that promotes business while getting instant feedback from customers. This social media site has gone viral captivating millions of users with its attractive features and services. A lot of businesses are gaining success by building their brands in this site. It�s enormous and the outstanding features are driving more and more traffic and no doubt instagram can be a turning point in your Seo strategy in the coming year.

On-Page Predictions

User Experience
User experience- in this post panda era if you want to get a right place in Google search then you can�t ignore this. This is one of the major factors that all Google updates focus on. All of the major Google�s algorithm updates have clearly outlined the importance of user experience and priority is given by Google to the site that gives main concern to user�s experience.
Keyword clarity
Of course the all time and the inevitable part of onsite factor to rank your site depend on keyword clarity. Keywords clarity can have a great implication on the entire SEO campaign. Since penguin updates have been penalizing for keyword stuffing, 2013 SEO will focus on wider range of keywords and their appropriate usage.
Quality content is one of the lessons that webmasters would have learned from the Google updates. As content is king, no doubt it will rule over the forthcoming year as well. Perhaps, it is one of the most important parts of your site that enhances your ranking after the impact of Google updates.
Rel=author: one of the major trends predicted to be seen in the forthcoming year. It conveys more traffic as Google authorship confers trust. Implementing rel=author tag might bring a great revolution to your site ranking in Google search next year.
All these predictions are based on the recent Google updates. Keeping up with Google algorithm changes in seo is really challenging. The whole thing can change in a fraction of second in the world of SEO, but feel secure that these trends will hold strong � at least over the coming year.