Facebook EdgeRank New Algorithm For Ranking

Edge Rank and Graph Rank

Facebook is most popular and leading giant social networking service which has millions of users worldwide. Earlier Facebook has launch its Graph rank which shows the enormous volume of activity generated by people, pages and apps and to decide what stories to show whom. Generally Graph Rank based on Open Graph applications that will display how activity will be distributed through News Feed, Ticker and Timeline.and it is not able to display activity report of page posts or friend�s status updates. For this reason Facebook has launched EdgeRank algorithm to determine the popularity of Page posts and friends status update. So there are two type of algorithm launched by Facebook. 
  • Graph Rank
  • Edge Rank

News Feed

inside graph

In this article I will focus on EdgeRank algorithm which has developed by Facebook to govern

what is displayed�and how high�on the News Feed.

EdgeRank is the algorithm governs what items crowd your Facebook News Feed, number of Facebook Fan in a page and pages that like by users. Facebook EdgeRank will allocate a value to every possible story in the feed. And the value is based on 3 factor that affect EdgeRank, These are as follows

  • Affinity Score
  • Edge Weight
  • Time Decay

 Graph Rank

Affinity Score

Now a question may arise what is affinity. Simply Affinity can be define that this is relationship between the user and the page and friends that created an element. Affinity score will improve between viewing and edge creator if you are more interconnected with your users.

Facebook imteraction

Edge Weight

The second factor is Weight which is affected by the type of story whether a shared content has photo or got comment by others or in a user�s status. Facebook have a tendency to value rich media content.Provisionally weights activity featured a content higher. Weight for this edge type (Create, Comment, like, Tag etc)


There are two Weight types, such as  Post & Interactions.

EdgeRank takes into account whether the post is a photo, video, link, or text only status update.

Time Decay

Here the time means how often you are taking action I means update, share etc. that factor affect EdgeRank.Time decay factor based on how long ago the edge was created. And the engagement of users after sharing a post on facebook.

What Will Consider Facebook EdgeRank?

Beside of this Facebook EdgeRank will consider four things that give score to your Facebook news feed that is it worthy or not?
  • 1. Facebook user�s precedent interactions with the author
  • 2. Your fan�s precedent interactions with that post type
  • 3. Reactions from other users for a particular post
  • 4. Sum of complaints and negative feedback on that post

factors affecting rank

If you have higher EdgeRank then your posts will be seen by enormous fans.Don�t think that your post will be appear automatically towards visitors it means your fans will have to actively seek in order to see your updates. Generally we knows that majority of our Facebook fans never revisit our fan page, So only active fan can be take your EdgeRank higher.

Facebook interaction, comment, likes, status update, photo or video share ensure scores highly to for maximum visibility.

There are another reason for lunching EdgeRank that a visitor can�t see the all shared content on a Facebook page that may they like so EdgeRank will pace the hidden content higher but it require more affinity score and it can be increase by constant interaction with your Facebook fans.

3rd party tools that harm your Facebook Edgerank

Tird party tool may harm your edge rank because but using those tools such as auto publishing tool is not harmful for edge rank.

But if you buy facebook like from third party then it will affect your site a lot. Because those fans are not actively interact with you and they won't going to make  any comment and re-share your content. So due to inactivity of your fans your EdgeRank will drastically fall.

For this reason depend on natural use of Facebook and increase interaction with your fans to get higher rank.

How to get your Facebook EdgeRank Score?

There are is not any official EdgeRank checker tool available right now but I have found a site that has recently launched. You just have to sign in with your Facebook account and then go to the below website and select your fan page.
EdgeRank checker 

This site will measure your EdgeRank score and send the report directly into your email account which is assign with Facebook account.

In conclusion EdgeRank and Graph Rank both help personalize Facebook for every user. Marketers and developers those who understand the platform�s way of ranks content can find ways to optimize.

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