Speed Up blog/Wesbite Load Time with Graphic Images and Javascript Compress

In continuation to our earlier post �Compress CSS and HTML� codes to speed up site loading time. Now in this article we share same related item known as �Compress Images and Javascript� maximize website loading time in order to reduce visitors bouncing rate. Graphic images and Javascripts dominates site loading time indirectly slowdown of site lading time. When visitor/reader lands any website taking much time to load irritates to increase bounce rate. Compression techniques can indirectly speeds webmasters blog/website loading time. Let�s begin tutorial �How to Compress Graphic Images and Javascript Codes Easily?

Important Tip:
Save your files in a folder if you need further any time to edit.

Compress Image with Smush
Using third party site tool Smush it made by Yahoo to compress graphic images. Uploaded in a folder can be downloading in zipped file to re-upload them to blog/website. This technique can reduce your page size and increase loading time.

Compress Javascript
This techniques works better to speed up loading time of website/blog on compress of Javascript. Go to JS Compress and upload your Javascript file or code, download to upload the same into your blog to improve your site loading time.
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