Everywhere is roaming a name HTML5 and blogger also using HTML5 in developing their widget and plugins. But what actually HTML5 it is not known by many newbie. We can explain HTML5 simply that it is a markup language for structuring and displaying the contents of World Wide Web (www). Actually HTML5 is an improved version of HTML. Al together 5 times improved and released the version. So they named the last released version as HTML5.
Basically the main purpose is to improve the development of HTML5 technology to support the latest multimedia technology, easily readable by humans and easily understood by different devices.
The W3C has �finalized� HTML5. The W3C is already worked on HTML 5.1, the next �snapshot� of the �living standards� work done within WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group), the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group. They decided to work together and form a new version of HTML.
Finally W3C (World Wide Web Consortium and WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) worked on project whose outcome is HTML5.
Why HTML5 has developed?
There are many purpose and objective was behind developing HTML5. Mostly it was developed for the following reason-
- HTML5 focus on DOM elements, CSS styles, Simple JavaScript APIs like Geo-location
- To decrease the use of external plugins (like Flash)
- Penganga better error
- Adding additional markup to replace scripting
- Making HTML5 for standalone device
- To make more visible the development process
What New features HTML5 brought for us?
- Canvas element to draw
- Video and audio elements for media playback
- Better support for offline storage
- More specific content elements, like article, footer, header, nav, section.
- Shape form controls such as a calendar, date, time, email, url, search.
Which browsers are supporting HTML5?
There are often a question about browsers compatibility. Now widget developer knows that Google Chrome and Firefox are in leading position and when they develop a widget they test them on those browsers first. Internet Explorer become sucks.
Currently there are major popular browsers already supporting HTML5, such as Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox,Maxthon and Opera. Seemingly IE9 (Internet Explorer) will support some of the features of HTML5. If you want to test your browser that compatible with HTML5 then simply go to
- http://html5test.com
and test the compatibility score. Surprisingly Maxthon browser�s score is highest.
How bloggers will be benefited by HTML5?
Due to development of HTML5 there are a revolutionary changes on different blogging platform. The latest trend of blogging is Responsive Design that goes Mainstream. For the rapid growth of various mobile devices millions of web surfer use those instead PC or Laptop. So we should redesign our template according to device compatibility. As a result developers has no other choice but to develop websites, blog and apps that can dynamically adapt to an unpredictable array of screen sizes and resolutions. HTML5 has made it easy to make a template responsive.
There are a revolutionary changes has brought by HTML5 in video embedding. Earlier we are depend on different plugins like Flash, Microsoft silver lights but every plugins require different coding. As a result application or browser plugin makes it difficult for a web application browser penetrate much. This is because each plugin has a different ways.
HTML5 is designed to simplify the complexity of the use of video media with a new standard that uses <video> tag . With this new feature so we just write a script to run the following video file
<video src=BloggerTips.mp4>
And the code is now simplified which was not possible in HTML4 version.
Beside of this the great news for Blogger that Google has launched a HTML5 site with resources whose name is HTML5 Rocks. To get the resource please visit-
- http://www.html5rocks.com/en/
This site is based on 4 component. Such as -
- Interactive Presentation
- HTML5 Playground
- Tutorials
- Resources
So hopefully blogger will be benefited by using this site and improve their knowledge.